- Therion king so Fe Dom 歌詞
- Therion
請容我歌頌,以東古老的統治者們啊 [04:44.13][05:10.95][05:12.64][05:20.08][06:37.42]Kings of Edom 舉起殘杯,飲盡餘酒 [01:16.33][01:55.32][02:42.31][03:37.11][04:55.94][05:24.83][06:50.98] 同往以東國而去 Hail the ancient rulers of Edom 瞧,十一位君主們啊 Drink the leavings from a broken cup 頭戴荊棘王冠 Enter the Land of Edom 統治內蓋夫沙海 See, Eleven Lords they are 我要召您歸來 Crowned by thistle crowns 古老的君王們 Desert Negev is their abode 我要解放你們 I will invoke you 越過那道巨門 Kings of before 只待詛咒打破 I will unleash you 你們定當現身 Pass through the door 以東,神聖之國 [07:51.07]And you will follow 死海以南 When the vessels break 蓋米特爾之間 Edom, a Realm of Severity 米希他別,馬特列、塞繆爾之女 South of the Dead Sea 莉莉絲已出走伊甸 [08:20.93] In the void of Qamtiel 化身蒼鶚翱翔於暗夜沙漠 Mehetabel, daughter to Matreb, Samael 與阿斯莫德相會 The younger Lilith left the court 以東的 (As) An owl at night to the desert 君主們啊 And her Asmodai 盡數消失 (And) All 廢墟里僅剩玫瑰一枝 Disappeared 夜空中獨余明星一顆 Find a rose in the ruins 沙丘間蜃樓隱隱 A star in the sky 另有蒼鶚一尾,振翅飛騰 A mirage in the sand dunes 召喚亞勒瓦,耶帖,瑪基疊 An owl, left it fly 以拉,比嫩 Call forth Alva, Jetet, Magdiel, 以東之王 Ela, Pinon 曼陀羅根結盤繞 Roots of Mandragora 鮮花殷殷綻放於 And the flower of the 知識之樹 Tree of Knowledge 以東之樹 Tree of Edom. 亞何利巴瑪,以蘭,基納斯 Oholibama, Iram, Kemaz 以東之王 Fallen Samayaza 以東之王 Bring the fire to the 普羅米修斯墮入人間 Out of Heaven. 贈火種與 Call forth Teman, Timna and Mibsar 以東之王 Fallen angels 遠去天國 They will break the vessel 召喚毯螅,亭納,米比薩 And seize powers in the 以東之王 Realm of Edom, out of Heaven. 墮落天使 When the vessels break. 詛咒定將打破 Edom, a Realm of Severity, 力量重回掌間 South of Dead Sea 歸來以東,遠去天國