- Patty Loveless flyaway 歌詞
- Patty Loveless
- Artist:patty loveless
專輯:patty loveless Songs Title:fly away 歌名:fly away
有時候我會向你發脾氣 Sometimes I get so angry with you 你待我如破鞋 You treat me like an old worn out shoe 我陪伴在你身邊如此之久 I've been here for you, for oh so long 終有一天你會來到我身旁卻發現我已離去 One day you could reach and find me gone. 這些清晨我伴著逃離的翅膀醒來 One of these mornin's I could wake up with wings 我會唱著歌兒走遠,遠走高飛 And I'll be singin' fly away, I could fly away 如果我妨礙到你的話 And if I 'm in your way 那我明天就離去 I could be gone tomorrow. 有段日子我愛你有段日子卻不愛 Some days I love you, some days I don't 期初你說你愛我而後又否認 First you say you will and then again you won't 好吧我想也對愛情起伏不定 Well, I guess all love has it's ups and downs 也許這也是為何我留在你身邊的原因 And maybe that's why I stay around. 但一個女人受到情傷這麼久 But a woman can hurt for just so long 她會開始唱起離歌 And she'll start singin that travelin' song 從你身邊飛遠遠走高飛如果我妨礙到你的話 Fly away, I could fly away and if I'm in your way 那我明天就離去 I could be gone tomorrow. 維繫我們的愛情或許是件容易的事 Should be easy to keep our love alive 我們甚至沒有理由不把一切交給時間 There is no reason that we can't take the time 而你我之間卻像隔著世紀之遠 Yet we live as if we have centuries 在這世上形同陌路 All the world at which to be. 但愛情之末何時都會不期而至 But the end could come at any time 為你我的情畫下句點 For a love like your's and mine 從你身邊飛遠如果我妨礙到你的話那我明天就離去 Fly away, I could fly away and if I'm in your way 那我明天就離去 I could be gone tomorrow. 明天我將與你而別 Tomorrow, I could fly away. 從你身邊飛遠 I could fly away. 從你身邊飛遠 I could fly away. 從你身邊飛遠 I could fLY away...<比如><比如>