- 一指團體Afinger 11.Put Your Hands Up 歌詞
- 一指團體Afinger
- 編曲:Yahor Sharenda (Lithuania)
混音:Denis Zaytsev, G 94 Records (Belarus) 母帶:黃瀚(CDG MusicStudio) 監製:Mossa Chorus: Put your hands up Put your hands up For the family for the Hip-Hop Put your hands up Put your hands up For the freedom Lets wake up Put your hands up Put your hands up Lets do the real shit put your hands up Put your hands up Put your hands up For the freedom Lets wake up Verse 1:(Raynee) I can see ya'll hands up in the air (for what) 屬於你們心中的Hip-Hop是怎樣(可曾想像) 戴著帽子帥氣又復雜的打招呼方式金項鍊金牙齒 是滿身的tatoo還是以前的大衣服大褲子 是像MV裡面開十輛八輛豪車X著10個8個小妞 還是有十萬八萬漫天飛的鈔票 把個性當名片把無知當態度huh? Sorry你是個說唱歌手but you aint Hip-Hop (P.O.P) 你在人吃人的社會你不知道吧 Hip-Hop在淪陷被人操控走向物質化 禁播最真實的節奏抵制最真實的flow 當代的rapper只想用trap 脫掉資娘的褲(脫掉女人的褲子) 整天hustle hustle像條XX會的狗 MTV直播撒錢的video多少傻逼跟著走 Gun,XX,game變成商業的傀儡 Hip-Hop流下了無奈的眼淚 F**k 你們這些說唱的fake Chorus: Put your hands up Put your hands up For the family for the Hip-Hop Put your hands up Put your hands up For the freedom Lets wake up Put your hands up Put your hands up Lets do the real shit put your hands up Put your hands up Put your hands up For the freedom Lets wake up Verse 2: ( P.O.P) 握緊手中的武器來自神的力量 Hip-Hop為人民發出聲音rapper的使命就是不畏強權 為了自由抗戰到底(Love & Peace yo ) 這是態度we are family 我就是看不慣(那些XX) 整天只會吹牛逼 沒有靈魂的歌曲 聽起來就是在放屁 You feel me? You hate me? You kill me? I dont give a f**k man Hip-Hop給我勇氣我昂首前行Madafuka (Raynee) 在我無助的時侯幫我鼓起了勇氣 面對社會的殘酷一步一個腳印 教我作為孩子要承擔的責任 孝敬父母才是做人的根本 Hip-Hop讓我成長提高人格鍛煉靈魂 不找任何藉口從男生變成男人 Man 作為rapper不該讓它背著臭名在中國沒落 Cause only one love Hip-Hop stand up Chorus: Put your hands up Put your hands up For the family for the Hip-Hop Put your hands up Put your hands up For the freedom Lets wake up Put your hands up Put your hands up Lets do the real shit put your hands up Put your hands up Put your hands up For the freedom Lets wake up