- jaytee 1 life 2 live 歌詞
- jaytee
- 曲:1 Life 2 Live - The Quiet
1 life 2 live 只此一生 got so much money to get baby 要賺太多的錢 1 life 2 live 只此一生 aint nobody can do it like me baby 沒有人能像我一樣 1 life 2 live man Im flexin 一班dump rapper宣戰我唔應承 cuz I keep it classy Im the king man Im flexin' 1 life 2 live 只此一生 aint nobody can do this sh-t like me baby 沒有人能像我一樣 Young style Young blood Young chigga Young life 新鮮的血液新鮮的一切 等陣寫低我嘅靈感先 Though I got no luck,no love,no money,no vibe 就算我一無所有 而且賣唔出一張CD 根本無人see me But 唔好質疑 當你察覺嘅時候自然知道出事 後悔當初對我忽視and now hater最好擔心我會忽然揸住支麥出現 低俗嘅世俗嘅覺得自己領先 個個喺度聲稱自己喺個藝術家 日日憤世嫉俗睇唔過眼呢個社會 唔該睇下自己做咗乜嘢稱呼自己實干家nah ***** money **** 你從來都未碰過 Rich or a G' 你唔喺其中一個 講住you 're the reallest 跟住將呢啲內容擺入每一首嘅爛歌Okay listen Yeah Imma get that money ASAP 我會盡快拿到那筆錢 Biggie said that more money more headache. Biggie 說過錢越多越頭疼我才不聽 What a freaking wack,they told me never ever think about the 旁人都告訴我戴上面具去演就好了 Profit just act after putting on the mask 管他什麼錢 But man, this is LJT came here to run the game 但我來這裡是為了引爆這場遊戲的 個個rapper都話started from the bottom 每個rapper都說從低端開始 然後straight to the top 然後直衝雲霄 Rap field缺咗呢把聲音 1 life 2 live 只此一生 got so much money to get baby 要賺太多的錢 1 life 2 live 只此一生 aint nobody can do it like me baby 沒有人能像我一樣 1 life 2 live man Im flexin 一班dump rapper宣戰我唔應承 cuz I keep it classy Im the king man Im flexin' 1 life 2 live 只此一生 aint nobody can do this sh-t like me baby 沒有人能像我一樣