- BadCat-Official Paradox 歌詞
- 凡清 BadCat-Official
- 編曲: BadCat-Official
你曾說我是你的盛夏 You said that I was your summer 那為何你會擁抱冬天一樣存在的她 Then why would you embrace a winter as her 我注定將扼殺你的苦命 I was meant to kill your bitter 你將欣然為我的溫柔所治愈 And youre willing to get healed by my tender 稚氣、自私、地獄和天堂 Childish selfish hell and heaven 你用你的眼淚引我上鉤卻用你的平靜深深打動我 You bit me with your tears hit me with your peace 我猜這就是我們所說的“悖論” I guess that is what we called PARADOX 你曾說我是你的盛夏 You said that I was your summer 那為何你會擁抱冬天一樣存在的她 Then why would you embrace a winter as her 我注定將扼殺你的苦命 I was meant to kill your bitter 你將欣然為我的溫柔所治愈 And youre willing to get healed by my tender 稚氣、自私、地獄和天堂 Childish selfish hell and heaven 你用你的眼淚引我上鉤卻用你的平靜深深打動我 You bit me with your tears hit me with your peace 你用你的眼淚引我上鉤卻用你的平靜深深打動我 You bit me with your tears hit me with your peace “悖論” PARADOX 當房間黯淡下來我是野獸般的捕食者 When the room turn grey and Imma brute like flayer 因為當我噴射所有蠢貨都會做正確的事 Cuz all the sucker shit do proper shit as I vroom the jet 在這關頭髮發慈悲在這該死的帳篷前跳一支舞吧 Pull up a Mercy at the fence and dance around that goddamn tent 這世界太過美好令我無法含淚去看 The world is too good for me to shed the tears and see 我猜這就是我們所說的“悖論” I guess that is what we called PARADOX 你用你的眼淚引我上鉤卻用你的平靜深深打動我 You bit me with your tears hit me with your peace 用你的眼淚引我上鉤卻用你的平靜深深打動我 Bit me with your tears hit me with your peace OP:Jackson Music OP:Jackson Music SP:Jackson Music SP:Jackson Music