- Naggy(A.K.A EnAce) 希望與慾望 歌詞
- Naggy(A.K.A EnAce)
- 編曲:Yocho
希望就像是簇燈火助你一日千里 慾望就像是個無底洞深不見底 渴望與貪婪是否共存在你的眼裡 已旅行到黃昏之時是時候該找個掩體 想去跟隨候鳥遷徙 想看雨過天晴 想不受外界影響因此航線不會偏離 才發現自己才是自己的天敵 所以才會迫使自己不停的遷移 wow they ducking cases i saw them leave i been ducking myself as enemy who saw me bleed 你是否早已麻木用物質去麻痺 也不願承認有些東西早已離你而去 不期而遇不惜而拒 內心的真切於這千里之外 帶你來到這一刻卻不解你心頭之快 希望仍在但事實是慾望導致你失敗 cuz we all been blind wanting it bad in a hurry but those are illusions and i think you know now think i found the way out think i know where the hell to go now cuz we all been blind wanting it bad in a hurry but those are illusions and i think you know now think i found the way out think i know where the hell to go now cuz we all been blind wanting it bad in a hurry 是希望讓我奔跑慾望讓我跌倒 是希望珍惜分秒慾望停留在街角 希望遠離紛擾慾望帶來了爭吵 撿起貪婪渴望的軀體也不再奔跑 i know its hard for us 並不是行為的克制 i know bottles and models and money but 不想談論娛樂設施 不想只聽歌不聽歌詞 不想被人測試huh 我想要有一天不用逃避苛責 因為那些已形成的標準太苛刻 我想要不用煲這些雞湯給你也未必喝 有些話我明白的徹底在這裡也未必說 我猜希望是愛 慾望則源於嫉妒 我希望你記住即使烏云密布 我仍舊覺得希望還在 只是慾望它帶你到瞭如今的地步tell em why cuz we all been blind wanting it bad in a hurry but those are illusions and i think you know now think i found the way out think i know where the hell to go now cuz we all been blind wanting it bad in a hurry but those are illusions and i think you know now think i found the way out think i know where the hell to go now cuz we all been blind wanting it bad in a hurry cuz we all been blind wanting it bad in a hurry