- JAX L.S.D. 歌詞
- 4 A.M. 4 A.M.and it's time to sleep
凌晨四時,更深人靜,行將就榻 Put it out,put it out of it's misery 所有痛苦,自我麻醉就會好過些 4 A.M. 4 A.M.and you need to leave 凌晨四時,夜靜更闌,良人將離 Let go and my body but don't actually 離開吧,我身體卻已不聽使喚 You're my L.S.D. and you're walking out the door 飲下這杯'幻象之境',再讓我見你離開吧 You're toxic make me feel like coming back for more 你身上的氣息,讓我幻想種種 You're poisonous,baby,but I can't get enough Of this love*2 親愛的,你讓我著迷,讓我渴望更多 You're chemical,darling,and I'm addicted To this far*2 親愛的,你讓我陶醉,讓我放肆沉溺 Like I'm in the sky with diamonds 彷若我置身於璀璨星海 crushing down,crushing down 醉生夢死,飄飄欲仙 You're everywhere darling 我怎麼看哪裡都是親愛的你啊 I'll die without this drug 等藥效散盡,我會墮入無盡深淵 crushing down,catch me now 現在就抓住我啊,別讓我跌墮 Don 't you know,you know,you're everything 你可知,可知?你是我的世界 Even though you broke everything 縱使你將一切弄得破碎 4 A.M. 4 A.M. and you're calling me 凌晨四時,你電話我,喜出望外 Now you hang up but don't actually 現在你已掛斷,我卻分不清夢境現實 You 're my L.S.D. and you're walking out the door 飲下這杯'幻象之境',再讓我面對現實吧 You're toxic make me feel like coming back for more 你讓我上癮,讓我醉生夢死 You're poisonous,baby,but I can't get enough Of this love*2 親愛的,我愈發享受,亦愈發欲壑難填 You' re chemical,darling,and I'm addicted to this far 親愛的,我愈發沉溺亦愈發無法自拔 to this far,to this far 我已深陷迷途,我已萬劫不復 Like I'm in the sky with diamonds 在這浩瀚星海裡 crushing down,crushing down 我已開始崩析 You're everywhere darling 滿世界都是你啊!我親愛的你 I'll die without this drug 藥效將盡 crushing down,catch me now 我開始七零八散了,請抓緊我 Like I'm in the sky with diamonds 在這浩瀚星海 crushing down,crushing down 我已開始四分五裂 Like I'm in the sky with diamonds 鑽石般閃耀的星星啊 crushing down, catch me now 我馬上就要變得和你們一樣了 You're poisonous,baby,but I can't get enough Of this love*2 飲鴆止渴,我甘之如飴 You' re chemical,darling,and I'm addicted to this far*2 病入膏肓,我更死心塌地 Like I'm in the sky with diamonds 星星海啊 crushing down,crushing down 我就要成為你的一部分了 You're everywhere darling 滿世界都是你啊,我親愛的你 I'll die without this drug 藥效殆盡時 crushing down,catch me now 請不要袖手旁觀看我支離破碎啊