- Too Close To Touch Eiley 歌詞
- Too Close To Touch
Too Close To Touch How can you say this was all part of your plan. 您怎能說這全是您精心計劃好的呢? Start explaining. 解釋一下吧 Crafted from hope and hospital beds, shes gone. 希望與病床交織,她就這麼走了 And honestly… 說實在的... You fed a dose of comatose to what I love most. 你竟將我的摯愛置於死地 Death is not a game with the ones I hold close. 至親離世可非兒戲 She was mine, mine, you cant deny. 她是我的人,我的,這不置可否 Three years is too quick to die. 三年的生存期太短了 Take me instead, you only loved, I only consume. 讓我替你受苦吧,我的至親,我只會消磨你 Im worthless to the world. Youre innocent and pure. 我生於俗世毫無價值,而你是如此無辜與乾淨 God, why didnt you choose me over her? 上帝啊,您怎麼不讓我替她受苦呢? Tell me shes listening as I search for signs. 告訴我,當我在尋求生的意義時 Of why Im standing. 她在傾聽 Left with this hole, that six feet of dirt cant fill. 我的心口破了個大洞,六英尺的泥土也填不滿 So why dont you. 所以請直視我 Just look me in the eyes . Say it straight to my face. 乾脆利落地告訴我 What type of man takes a girl from her place. 為什麼將一個女孩從本該屬於她的世界帶走 She was mine, mine, you cant deny. 她是我的人,我的,你怎能這樣做 Three years is too quick to die. 三年的生存期太短了 Take me instead, you only loved, I only consume. 讓我替你受苦吧,我的至親,我只會消耗你 Im worthless to the world. Youre innocent and pure. 我生於俗世毫無價值,而你是如此無辜與乾淨 God, why didnt you choose me? 上帝啊,你怎麼不讓我替她受苦呢? Take me instead, you only loved, I only consume. 讓我替你受苦吧,我的至親,我只會消耗你 Im worthless to the world. Youre innocent and pure. 我生於俗世毫無價值,而你是如此乾淨與無辜 God, why didnt you choose me over her? 上帝啊,您怎麼不讓我替她受苦呢? So answer me, how am I supposed to deal with this. 回答我啊,我TMD該怎麼辦 Why did she die, when Im the one deserving it. 為什麼她走了,該死的人是我 And what the hell am I to tell my little sisters. 我該怎麼告知我幼小的妹妹 To ease their tears when they tell me that they miss her. 她們想念她時我又該如何安慰 And what about my mother and my father. 還有我那母親和父親呢 They lost a child and deep inside they wither. 他們失去了一個孩子,內心枯竭 God, Id do anything to ease the pain. 神啊,我願付諸一切減輕這痛楚 That ripped through the chest of my brothers that day. 我哥哥撕心裂肺痛徹心扉啊 She was mine!! she was mine!!! 把她還給我們!!還給我們!! What did we do to make you take her from our lives? 我們做錯了什麼讓您將她從我們生活中奪走? She was mine!!!! she was mine!! 把她還給我們!!!還給我們!!! Oh God, oh what did we do? 親愛的神啊,我們到底做錯了什麼? Take me instead, you only loved, I only consume. 讓我替你受苦吧,我的至親,我只會消耗你 Im worthless to the world. Youre innocent and pure. 我生於俗世毫無價值,而你是如此無辜與乾淨 God, why didnt you choose me? 上帝啊,您怎麼不讓我替她受苦呢? Take me instead, you only loved, I only consume. 讓我替你受苦吧,我的至親,我只會消耗你 Im worthless to the world. Youre innocent and pure. 我生於俗世毫無價值,而你是如此無辜與乾淨 God I question your judgment. 神啊,我質疑您的審判 Youre innocent and pure. 她是如此無辜與乾淨 Im worthless to the world. 我存於現世毫無意義 Tell me why you picked me over her... 為什麼您不讓我替她受苦呢?
Too Close To Touch
Havent Been Myself
- Too Close To Touch
> IM hard to love, but SOA Re you, Vol. 1
> IM hard to love, but SOA Re you, Vol. 3
> Im Hard To Love, But So Are You, Vol. 2
> Im Hard To Love, But So Are You, Vol. 4
> F.I.N.E.
> Before I Cave In
> Burn
> Havent Been Myself
> Nerve Endings
> Im Hard To Love, But So Are You, Vol. 3