- killstation xiphinema 歌詞
- killstation
“也許是因為我潛意識裡認為自己不不值得。” 'Maybe its that I believe that subconsciously Im not worthy.' “或者值得快樂。” 'Or deserving of being happy.' “但是我已經不想再在這裡很長一段時間了。” 'But, for a long time Ive not wanted to be here.' “我也無能為力,我得快點離開這裡。” 'And theres nothing that I can do, to leave here faster.' “我不能自殺,我不能。” 'I cant kill myself, I cant.' “不是我不想。” 'Its not that I dont want to.' “是我認為我不能自殺。” 'Its that I think that I cannot kill myself.' “我試過多次,無數次。” 'Ive tried multiple times, numerous times.' “我不能死,我tm不會死。” 'And I cannot die, I wont fxcking die.' “有些人認為,我活著就是為了死去,我想死。” 'Some of me thinks, I live to die, and I want to die.' “因為我想讓痛苦休止。” 'Because I want the pain to stop.' “藥物沒有絲毫幫助。” 'The medication doesnt help.' “精神科醫生和治療師,他們也幫不了什麼忙。” 'The psychiatrists and therapists, they dont help.' “都沒用。” 'None of it helps.' “都沒用。” 'None of it helps.'