- Joe Romersa Hometown 歌詞
- Joe Romersa
- He spoke of tortured souls
他談起受折磨的靈魂們 So outrageous the toll 喪鐘是如此駭人 You can lose all you have 你會失去擁有的一切 He refused to give in to the town that takes all 他拒絕向那奪取一切的小鎮屈服 Survive, you must have the will 為了生存下去,你必須意志堅強 This movie doesn't end the way we want all the time 這場電影不會像我們一直希望的那樣結束 Then he shouts at the moon 他向著月亮大喊 She's gone , and fear has overcome 她死了,恐懼勝利了 He was walking the mile, he was walking alone 他將獨自一人走向死亡
喪鐘是如此駭人 So outrageous the toll 你會失去擁有的一切 You can lose all you have 他拒絕向那奪取一切的小鎮屈服 He refused to give in to the town that takes all 為了生存下去,你必須意志堅強 Survive, you must have the will 這場電影不會像我們一直希望的那樣結束 This movie doesn't end the way we want all the time 他向著月亮大喊 Then he shouts at the moon 她死了,恐懼勝利了 She's gone, and fear has overcome 他將獨自一人走向死亡 He was walking the mile, he was walking alone 四又二十隻死去的鳥,在巢中流淌鮮血 Four and twenty dead-birds, they bleed upon the nest 沒有時間思考了,它們已經沒有了威脅的跡象 There was no time for reason, they had no sign of a threat 現在對我來說已經太晚了,太晚了... Now it's too late, too late for me 這個鎮將最終戰勝我 This town will eventually take me 太晚了,太晚了... Too late, too late for me 這個鎮將會勝利 This town will win 穿過這層濃霧,它們出現了 Through this fog they came along 唱著可怕歌謠的黑暗怪物 Dark creatures singing a terrible song 酒吧里其餘的人嘲笑他 The rest of the bar laughed at him 只有我覺得希望漸漸消逝 Only I felt my hope grow dim 第二天他們發現他死了 They found him dead the very next day “再也聽不到他講故事了”,我聽見他們說 'No more stories from him,' I heard them say 我們將他的命運歸咎於運氣太差 We blamed bad luck for his fate 只有我感到深深恐懼 Only I felt terror so great 她和他會知道 She and he will know 一切會在一天結束 That someday all things will end 那濃霧籠罩的夜 That misty night 那陰沉淒慘的月 That dismal moon 亡者尋找親族 The dead search for their kin 當無盡黑暗中,天使吟唱 While angels sing, in endless dark 亡者尋出罪惡 The dead seek out sin