- UacSwagger Savage 歌詞
- UacSwagger
- 編曲製作:Thesky
I know I am savage But more than you think savage Do industry chain savage I want to stand at the savage I know I am savage But more than you think savage Do industry chain savage I want to stand at the savage 頭腦太過低沒空再去陪你玩 游過海岸可惜我開上快船到彼岸 必然比你快可惜在背後與我糾纏 我要收盤i am savage 不擇手段 Open your eyes to the world 在享受人生可惜你自多算是活著 只有付出在會有所收穫 沒有人把愚蠢當做幽默 太低級了支配當做嘍囉 在為產業付出進行肉搏 要壟斷做大做強玩過火 你像個娘們一樣唯唯諾諾 I am savage Do you know it's me 想靠近我探索我拿點誠意讓我相信 黃金VVS 項鍊在保險櫃鎖著都是上品 裝進在黑夜穿梭迎接我們的降臨獎品 留給機遇依據化作基於給予 時間當做利息趨於懶得做交易 沒主見才會左右搖擺投敵 歌詞中一針見血最佳完美狙擊ya~ I know I am savage But more than you think savage Do industry chain savage I want to stand at the savage I know I am savage But more than you think savage Do industry chain savage I want to stand at the savage