- Jason Segel You Just Got Slapped 歌詞
- Jason Segel
滋味如何 What is this feeling 那將銘刻你心 That's put you in your place? 滾燙血紅地 A hot red burning on the side 烙在你的臉上 Of your face 你感到熱血衝上你的臉頰 You feel the blood rush to your cheek 熱淚即將奪眶而出 Tears start to fill your eyes 你的嘴唇也開始顫抖,而你卻無言以對 Your lips are trembling but you can't speak 雖然你已盡力,盡力不哭出來 You're trying, oh you 're trying not to cry 你剛剛挨了一記耳光 Ya just got slapped 橫穿整張臉,我的朋友 Across the face my friend 你剛剛挨了一記耳光 Ya just got slapped 沒錯,千真萬確 Yes that really just happened 好了,大家都見識了,哈 Well, everybody saw it, hah 大家也都笑著鼓掌 Everybody laughed and clapped 簡直帥呆了 'Cause it was awesome 你剛剛挨了一記耳光 The way that you just got slapped