- Eminem White America 歌詞
- Eminem
- America
美利堅 hahaha 哈哈哈 We love you 愛你 How many people are proud to be citizens 多少人為成為我們大美利堅 of this beautiful country of ours? 的公民而驕傲 The stripes and the stars for the rights of men 星條旗高高飄揚象徵著 who have died for the protect? 為捍衛人權而犧牲的先輩 The women and men who have broke their necks 那些人寧願引頸受戮 for the freedem of speech the United States Government 也要將美利堅民族的人權自由 has sworn to uphold 堅守到底 Yo, I want everyone to listen to the words of this song 喲我想讓每個人都仔細聽聽這首歌 Or so were told. .. 或許我們都是被蒙在鼓裡罷了 I never woulda dreamed in a million years id see 我從沒妄想過能遇到 so many mutha fuckin people who feel like me 這麼多他媽的與我道合之人 Who share the same views 我們會不謀而合心靈相通 And the same exact beliefs 朝聖同一個信仰 Its like a fuckin army marchin in back of me 就他媽的像千萬大軍和我一起衝鋒陷陣 So many lives I touched 接觸過萬千生靈 So much anger aimed at no perticular direction 可無盡的憤怒之火皆是無處傾瀉 Just sprays and sprays 隨性噴射 Straight through your radio wavs 穿梭在無線電波 It plays and plays 一遍又一遍地播放 Till it stays stuck in your head 直至攻占你的大腦 For days and days 長年累月日復一日 who woulda thought standin in this mirror 何曾料到到我會站在鏡子前 Bleachin my hair wit some Peroxide 用過氧化氫漂白我的黃頭髮 Reachin for a T shirt to wear 再隨手拿一件白T That I would catipult to the fore-front of rap like this 然後我就這樣摧枯拉朽衝到了饒舌界的風口浪尖 How can I predict my words 何曾料到我的所說所唱 And have an impact like this 有朝一日竟會名聲大噪 I musta struck a chord wit somebody up in the office 我一定刺激到了某位高官的神經 Cuz congress keeps tellin me 因為國會不斷警告我 I aint causin nuttin but problems 說我就是個禍害 And now they sayin im in trouble wit the government 現在他們說我攤上事了惹上政府了 Im lovin it 哈哈我開心我樂意 I shovelled shit all my life 活這麼大你們刁難我貶低我 And now im dumpin it on 現在我悉數奉還 WHITE AMERICA 高高在上的美利堅白人 I could be one of your kids 我也可以當你小孩 WHITE AMERICA 高高在上的美利堅白人 Little erik looks just like this 你家小男孩看起來和我長一樣啊 WHITE AMERICA 高高在上的美利堅白人 Erica loves my shit 你家小女孩愛我這攤破事 I go to TRL 我去TRL的時候 Look how many hugs I get 看看有多少人擁護歡呼 WHITE AMERICA 高高在上的美利堅白人 I could be one of your kids 我也可以當你小孩 WHITE AMERICA 高高在上的美利堅白人 Little erik looks just like this 你家小男孩看起來和我長一樣啊 WHITE AMERICA 高高在上的美利堅白人 Erica loves my shit 你家小女孩愛我這攤破事 I go to TRL 我去TRL的時候 Look how many hugs I get 看看有多少人擁護雀躍 Look at these eyes baby blue baby just like urself 看看這些眼睛嬰兒般湛藍無邪和你一樣 If they were brown 若生而為棕色人種 Shady lose shady sits on the shelf Shady就不會成功只能被束之高閣 But Shadys cute 但Shady很可愛 Shady knew Shadys dimples would help Shady知道自己的小酒窩很迷人 Make ladies swoon baby 引誘女人綽綽有餘寶貝兒 (ooo baby) (喔~寶貝兒) Look at myself ! 看著我! Lets do the math 我算給你看看 If I was black I woulda sold half 若我是黑人我的唱片只能賣掉一半 I aint have to graduate 我都沒從林肯高中畢業 From Lincoln High School to know that 就知道這點 But I can rap so fuck school 但我懂說唱所以去他媽的學校 Im too cool to go back 我這麼叼還要去唸書? Gimme the mic 把麥給我 Show me where the fuckin studios at 他媽的錄音室在哪 When I was underground 我以前在貧民窟的時候 No one gave a fuck I was white 我是個白人沒人鳥我 No lables wanted to sign me 沒人願意簽我 Almost gave up, I was like 'Fuck it ' 我都快放棄了他媽的 Until I met Dre 知道我遇到Dre The only one who looked past 唯一無視膚色看見我本質的人 Gave me a chance 賜給我寶貴的機會 And I lit a fire up under his ass 所以我成功了 Helped him get back to the top 幫他重冠銷量榜首 Every fan black that I got 我的每一個黑人粉絲 Was probly his 可能其實都是他的 In exchange for every white fan that hes got 正如他的每一個白人粉絲可能都是我的 Like damn we just swapped 他媽的就像我們做了什麼交換一樣 Sittin back look at this shit wow 冷靜下來看看著突如其來的聲名鵲起 Im like 'My skin, 我在想“我的膚色 is it startin to work to my benifit now?' 現在反而成為我的墊腳石了?“ WHITE AMERICA 高高在上的美利堅白人 I could be one of your kids 我也可以當你小孩 WHITE AMERICA 高高在上的美利堅白人 Little erik looks just like this 你家小男孩看起來和我長一樣啊 WHITE AMERICA 高高在上的美利堅白人 Erica loves my shit 你家小女孩愛我這攤破事 I go to TRL 我去TRL的時候 Look how many hugs I get 看看有多少人擁護雀躍 WHITE AMERICA 高高在上的美利堅白人 I could be one of your kids 我也可以當你小孩 WHITE AMERICA 高高在上的美利堅白人 Little erik looks just like this 你家小男孩看起來和我長一樣啊 WHITE AMERICA 高高在上的美利堅白人 Erica loves my shit 你家小女孩愛我這攤破事 I go to TRL 我去TRL的時候 Look how many hugs I get 看看有多少人擁護雀躍 See the problem is I speak to suberban kids 問題是現在那麼多小孩聽見我在唱什麼 Who otherwise 他們或許本來 Woulda never knew these words exist 都沒聽過我用的那些臟詞 These moms probly woulda never gave 2 squirts of piss 那些媽媽也根本不care我 Till I created so much mutha fuckin turbulence 可現在我他媽的掀起了一陣狂熱 Straight out the tube 電視機上 right into ya living rooms I came 就在你家的客廳裡都是我 And kids Flipped 你家小孩愛上我了 Thats all it took 就因為我被Dre賞識我是個玩說唱的白人 And they were instantly hooked right in 他們瞬間就被迷住了 And they connected wit me too cuz I looked like them 他們感覺和我心靈相通因為我們都是白人 Thats why they put my lyrics up under this microscope 所以人們恨不得把我寫的詞放在顯微鏡下挑刺揣摩分析 Searchin wit a fine toothed comb 不肯放過一字一句 Its like this rope waitin to choke 我感覺就像有繩子勒在脖子上 Tightenin around my throat 快要窒息 Watchin me while I write this like 'I dont like this, NO!' 甚至在我寫下“我討厭這樣,不!”的時候他們還在盯著我 All I hear is 我滿耳充斥的都是 Lyrics lyrics constant controversy 歌詞歌詞沒完沒了的爭鬥 Sponsors workin round the clock 贊助商夜以繼日不辭辛苦地 To try to stop my concerts early 試圖儘早停了我的演唱會 Surely hip hop is never a problem 嘻哈樂在哈姆萊區(黑人區)廣受歡迎 In Harlem only In Boston 可在波士頓 After it bothered ya fathers 它惹惱了那些 of daughters startin to blossom 有著寶貝女兒的爸爸們 Now im catchin the flack from these activists 所以他們遊行不顧一切抨擊我 When they raggin 他們怒不可遏 Actin like im the 1st rapper to smack a bitch and say faggot 搞得好像我是饒舌界第一個打賤女人罵基佬的一樣 Shit 他媽的 Just look at me like im ya closest pal 看著我啊我可是你的好哥們儿 A poster child 對啊我就是海報裡那小破孩 the mutha fuckin spokesman now! 可我他媽的現在也是你家小孩的精神領袖好嗎! WHITE AMERICA 高高在上的美利堅白人 I could be one of your kids 我也可以當你小孩 WHITE AMERICA 高高在上的美利堅白人 Little erik looks just like this 你家小男孩看起來和我長一樣啊 WHITE AMERICA 高高在上的美利堅白人 Erica loves my shit 你家小女孩愛我這攤破事 I goto TRL 我去TRL的時候 Look how many hugs I get 看看有多少人擁護雀躍 WHITE AMERICA 高高在上的美利堅白人 I could be one of your kids 我也可以當你小孩 WHITE AMERICA 高高在上的美利堅白人 Little erik looks just like this 你家小男孩看起來和我長一樣啊 WHITE AMERICA 高高在上的美利堅白人 Erica loves my shit 你家小女孩愛我這攤破事 I go to TRL 我去TRL的時候 Look how many hugs I get 看看有多少人擁護雀躍 So to the parents of America 所以致所有美利堅合眾國的父親母親們 I am the damager aimed at little Erica 我就是那駭人的炸彈瞄準了你家小女孩 To attack her character 我要摧毀她的品行 The ring leader of the circus of worthless pawns 我就是那馬戲團的大魔頭綁架了一堆沒用的人質 Sent to lead the march right up to the steps of Congress 我們反叛大軍正朝國會行進 And piss on the lawns of the whitehouse 我們要在白宮草坪上撒尿 To burn the casket and replace it 燒掉星條旗吧 with a parental advisory sticker 換成專輯臟標(未成年人要在家長指導下啥啥,阿姆專輯總會被貼)好了 To spit liquor in the faces of this democracy of hipocracy 我們要往民主體制那副偽善的面具上潑髒水 Fuck you Ms Cheeney 去你媽的Cheney女士(第46任副總統夫人攻擊阿姆破壞言論自由) Fuck you Tipper Gore 去你媽的Tipper Gore(第45任副總統夫人) Fuck you with the freeness of speech 去你媽的言論自由 this divided states of embarrasment will allow me to have (Divided-United, Embarrassment-America, 代換了國家名,自行體會,翻不出來) Fuck You 去你媽的 hahaha! 哈哈哈 im just playing america, you know I love you 我只是開個玩笑美利堅你知道我愛你的