- KAZ White Stallion 歌詞
親愛的腦海中試圖描繪幅 Picture you and me babe 你我迷失於熙攘街道的情景 Gettin lost in busy streets 此刻於你我而言 Better lost than found and now 各自走散豈非勝過重聚 It's you and me 我實在不忍回首往昔 These moments that I just can't hold onto 或許我 maybe I 親愛的就算再我不忍同你割捨 baby I don't wanna lose you 可怎麼做也都無濟於事 but there's no stopping it 縱使心傷 It might hurt but don't 但也求個難捨難分 close up 女孩缺少我陪伴你怎會安好
我很清楚你被夢魘所籠罩 Don't call yourself fine without me 我本能將你解救 Girl I know you well, know you having bad dreams 予你心靈的撫慰 I would have saved you 既然痛苦何必執念於他 I could have fixed you 不如考慮我即便我看似冷酷
但這樣我也能一睹你容顏 Don' t hurt yourself thinkin bout him 2017年熒幕上女孩過著成人的生活 Think of me instead, girl I know I sound grim 輕狂的十二歲痴戀的愛你我都曾共度 I would have seen you 當我初逢身著白裙的你 2017, acting eighteen, girl on the screen like 猶如匹白駒期盼你我能輕狂伴生 **** twelve and **** love, you and I we been through it all 望著熒幕上的祝詞心生感嘆
倘若你並非遙不可及那該多好 When I first saw you in the dress 身為白駒的你 White stallion, hope that I'm your favorite mess 總伴我身旁 A blessing on the screen 可你的身軀 If only you weren't so far from me 總有傷痕滿佈
White stallion Always by my side but you got scars too many scars