- Elohim Insecure 歌詞
- Elohim
- Imagine if I could see
曾幻想過倘若我能夠 Myself like you're seeing me 如你注視我那般凝望著自己 I wouldn't be so obsessed 我怎會如此執迷不悟 With being somebody else 拋卻本心,曲意逢迎 Imagine if I was free 曾遐想過若是我可以 From all the self-deprecating disease 擺脫我自嘲自貶的心疾夢魘 Compare myself to the screen 去與光鮮亮麗的銀幕世界一爭高下 And all the fake, plastic, glorified dreams 一切表裡不一、虛與委蛇、譁眾取寵的夢想 Insecure and I don't know why 那種不安感,真的無跡可尋 It's just you and I, I think it's all in my head 只是我們二人,活在我的思緒裡 I'm insecure and I don't know why 那種不安感,真的如鯁在喉 Sometimes I wanna die, I don't know why 有時我願了結此生,真的都不懂
如果一切安好那又怎樣 What if I was okay 就是這樣的荒誕瘋狂 With being mad strange 曾假想過如果我逃避了我所痛恨的情感 Imagine if I escape all the feelings I hate 且從未毀掉昭示了我已支離破碎的那些過往 And not break all the habits that told me I'm damaged 或許我該相信 Maybe then I'd believe 當你輕聲呢喃誇讚我明眸皓齒、國色天香 When you say I 'm pretty, I'm pretty, I'm pretty 那種不安感,真的茫無所知 Insecure and I don't know why 只是我們二人,活在我的心頭 It's just you and I, I think it's all in my head 那種不安感,真的百思不解 I'm insecure and I don't know why 有時我願了卻殘生,真的都不懂 Sometimes I wanna die, I don't know why 掩蓋起我的瑕疵 Camouflage to hide my flaws 只存在於我的腦海中,而不是靈魂深處,我想放它走 It's only in my head, it's not my soul, I think I'll let it go 緊緊握住愚蠢的想法 Hanging on to silly thoughts 只潛伏在我的意識裡,而不是心田之間,我會饒它活 They're only in my head, it's not my heart, I gotta let it go 那種不安感,真的不甚了了
只是你我一雙人,獨留於我的記憶中 Insecure and I don't know why It's just you and I, I think it's all in my head