- Fifth Harmony He Like That 歌詞
- Fifth Harmony
- You got that good boy attitude and yeah, I kind like it
你有那種乖乖男孩的姿態我很喜歡 You got the tats on your arm get a bad girl excited 你手臂上的紋身吸引著像我一樣的壞女孩 You put that bass in the beat, wont you beat it up inside it? 如同節奏裡融入低音難道你不想自己暢遊一番 I got that pumps in the bump and you know you wanna try it 我穿著高跟鞋舞者翹臀你明白自己抵擋不住誘惑 Pumps in the bump, pumps in the bump 高跟鞋翹屁股舞動一刻不停 He like the girls with the pumps in the bump 他喜歡我這種高傲又騷氣的女孩 Pumps in the bump, pumps in the bump 高跟鞋加辣臀身體打出節拍 I be that girl with the pumps in the bump 我就是那個讓你魂牽夢縈的女孩 He like that bang, bang, bang 他喜歡我帶給他四濺的火花 He like that bomb, bomb, bomb 他喜歡我讓他感官窒息爆炸 He like that love, love, love 他鍾情這種放肆熱辣的情慾 I'm like that drug, drug, drug 我就是他戒不掉的毒品 He trip when he on it, one taste and he want it 一次就讓他跪倒裙下一口就讓他欲罷不能 He like that bang, bang, bang 他喜歡我們一次次的靈肉撞擊 He like that bomb, bomb, bomb 他喜歡我們翻雲覆雨掀天起地 He like that love, love , love 他沉醉在我帶他摘星探月高潮不斷 Im like that drug, drug, drug 我是一次就會上癮的毒藥 He trip when he on it, one taste and he want it 他以為自己可以逃脫卻沉溺一發不可收拾 He got that rough neck swaggy, but he know how to hide it 他身上有流氓氣息我剛好知道可以如何降服 He got that dope boy cash, but he get it 9 to 5ing 他朝九晚五隻為了掙更多票子 He got a thing for them girls that make their money overnightning 為了他心愛的女孩傾家蕩產一擲千金 I know he bad for my health, but I still wanna try it 我知道放肆交融對身體無益但他讓我想大開綠燈 Pumps in the bump, pumps in the bump 臀上裝著馬達舞動一刻不停 He like the girls with the pumps in the bump 他無法把眼光從我身上移開 Pumps in the bump, pumps in the bump 臀上有個點擊擊打節拍不斷 I be that girl with the pumps in the bump 進入舞池那一刻他已是我的獵物 He like that bang, bang, bang 渴望我給他更多 He like that bomb, bomb, bomb 乞求我給他更多 He like that love, love, love 他意亂情迷只想多嚐一口 Im like that drug, drug, drug 而我就是那支迷幻劑 He trip when he on it (on it), one taste and he want it (one taste and he want it) 他注定淪陷在我的臀下一針也足以上癮 He like that bang, bang, bang (he like that bang) 他慢慢靠近 He like that bomb, bomb, bomb (he like that bomb) 他逐漸沉淪 He like that love, love, love (he like that love) 他進入伊甸園一心探索甘泉 I'm like that drug, drug, drug (Im like that drug) 我是源源不斷的水源 He trip when he on it, one taste and he want it (one taste and) 舔舐一口就忘記自己陷入樂園卻更加干渴 (Bang) He love that bang (沉迷)沉迷肉慾無法自拔 (Bomb) He like that bomb, bomb, bomb (爆炸)靈魂快要爆炸 (Love) He love that thang (愛欲)他的眼光溢滿愛欲 (Drug) He love that hit and run (快感)他愛上這宛如肇事逃逸的快感 He lose his brain 這個人已經失去理智 He going to stupid dumb 大腦麻痺 He stupid dumb, all he ever want is some 耳邊只迴旋著再來一次再多一次 Pumps in the bump, pumps in the bump 每次撞擊帶來更深慾望每次律動多加一分乾渴 He like the girls with the pumps in the bump 他埋頭推進只想探索更多 Pumps in the bump, pumps in the bump 每次喘息抽走一絲理智每次仰頭抵達更高雲端 I be that girl with the pumps in the bump 此刻只想把他吃乾抹淨 He like that bang, bang, bang 他喜歡我們撞擊更多火花濺射 He like that bom, bom , bom 他喜歡我們進入更多感官炙熱 He like that love, love, love 他掙不開我為他造的牢籠 Im like that drug, drug, drug 臀線是鏈條唇線是鎖銬 He trip when he on it, one taste and he want it 我給了出口他卻只想困在裡面墜入更深 He like that bang, bang, bang 他不斷加速更加用力衝擊 He like that bom, bom, bom 他即將抵達卻又墜入谷底 He like that love, love, love 他迷失在地獄邊境無路可走 Im like that drug, drug, drug 我是天使也是那個引誘的惡魔 He trip when he on it, one taste and he want it 一旦踏上便沒有歸途他已經是我的囊中之物