- Ben Barnes A Room With A View 歌詞
- Ben Barnes
- A room with a view and you
想在一個風光無限的房間與你纏綿 And no one to worry us 那裡不會有他人無謂的擔憂 No one to hurry us through 那裡不會有他人的推推搡搡 This dream weve found 攪亂我們的夢幻時光 Well gaze at the sky and try 我們凝望天空,試著 To guess what its all about 參透那片蔚藍中的玄機 Then we will figure out why 我們很快就能明白 The world is round 為何世界總在轉圈 Well be as happy and contented 我們既歡喜又滿足 As birds upon a tree 勝似大樹上活潑的小鳥 High above the mountains and sea 翻過群山,跨過大海 Well build and well coo-oo 我們安家,我們調情 And sorrow will never come 拒絕一切悲傷的寒意 Oh will it ever come true 噢,我的心願能夠實現嗎 A room with a view 那個好景常在的房間 Well be as happy and contented 我們喜笑顏開,心滿意足 As birds upon a tree 如同開心的鳥兒在樹枝上起舞 High above the mountains and sea 翻山越嶺,遠渡重洋 Well build and well coo-oo 我們成家立業,我們打情罵俏 And sorrow will never come 完全不用擔心任何悲傷 Oh will it ever come true 噢,我能如願以償嗎 A room with a view 得到那個如詩如畫的房間 Ah- a room with a view 一個風景宜人的房間