- Jay Eskar Awakening 歌詞
- Jay Eskar
- Contemplating the true eternal sound
深思熟慮真正永恆的聲音 Than nothing in the holy city of Hikashi 即使轉瞬即逝 This is indeed very desireable fruit of such knowledge 也能賦予靈魂更多的解放 That dawns within and gives enlightenment 這點與空虛的hikashi聖城相比 Even for half a moment 要領先數百萬年 Confers much more spiritual merits 這的的確確是這類知識理想的成果 For millions of years 需要努力爭取去斟酌著理解它 That needs to be fought to make it consider it and comprehend it 眼下實際的本質 Now the essence of reality 內在的曙光啟迪人類 Meditate everyday, all meditation is a postive step forward, never give up 日復一日地苦思冥想吧,所有的冥想都是向前邁出積極的一步,請不要輕言放棄