- Lauren Aquilina Talk to Me 歌詞
- Lauren Aquilina
- Game after game we play
相遇相知,不過是一次次的逢場作戲 Our twisted snakes and ladders 視線扭曲,萬物變幻,滄海桑田 Time for the rules to change 這盤殘局,執棋之人早應易主 You're in my arteries 相思已經深入骨髓 You're bolting through my body 鐫刻在全身每一處 I'll never be the same 奈何我做不到不忘初心,再也回不到當初 So why won't you 你為何不願 Talk to me? 訴說衷腸? Why won't you just talk to me? 為何不願將心比心,卸下偽裝? There's a universe inside your head 你內心的世界無情地將我排除在外 Constellations of the things you left unsaid 隱藏著多少從未說出口的只言片語 Talk to me 請把內心隱瞞的所有都告訴我 Or watch me leave 或是目送我遠去的背影漸漸消失在人海當中 Wave after wave of your meaningless conversation 記憶中敷衍的話語,潮湧一般襲來 Changing the subject again 總是顧左右而言他 Are you ever gonna wake up? 你能否在一切太遲以前,醒悟明白? Are you ever gonna wake up? 你能否在分道揚鑣之前,挽回一切? Or are you gonna let me just walk away? 抑或是準備放手,任由我就這樣離開 All you need to do is talk to me 你需要的,僅僅是傾訴衷腸 Why won't you just talk to me? 為何不願將心比心,卸下偽裝? There's a universe inside your head 你內心的世界無情地將我排除在外 Constellations of the things you left unsaid 隱藏著多少從未說出口的只言片語 Talk to me 請把內心隱瞞的所有都告訴我 You will bite your tongue until it bleeds 你會痛到深入骨髓,咬牙切齒,血染紅唇 Hanging by the skin of your own teeth 唇齒間嫣紅瀰漫 Silence is your loudest scream 沉默無言,內心卻是歇斯底里的痛苦吶喊 I don't know why you're hiding 我不知你為何戴著重重面具 You will bite your tongue until it bleeds 我只知道你會痛到深入骨髓,咬牙切齒,血染紅唇 Hanging by the skin of your own teeth 唇齒間嫣紅瀰漫 Silence is your loudest scream 沉默無言,內心卻是歇斯底里的痛苦吶喊 I don't know why you're hiding 我不知你為何戴著重重面具 Why won't you talk to me? 你究竟為何不願與我傾訴衷腸? Why won't you just talk to me? 為何重重偽裝,不願以真心示人? There's a universe inside your head 你內心的世界無情地將我排除在外 Constellations of the things you left unsaid 隱藏著多少從未說出口的只言片語 Talk to me 請求你,把內心隱瞞的所有都告訴我吧 Why won't you talk to me? 但是為何,你還是不願與我傾訴衷腸? Why won't you just talk to me? 為何重重偽裝,不願以真心示人? There's a universe inside your head 你內心的世界無情地將我排除在外 Constellations of the things you left unsaid 隱藏著多少從未說出口的只言片語 Talk to me 請求你,把內心隱瞞的所有都告訴我吧 Game after game we play 相遇相知,不過是一次次的逢場作戲 Our twisted snakes and ladders 視線扭曲,萬物變幻,滄海桑田 Time for the rules to change 這盤殘局,執棋之人早應易主