- 木小雅
- 幸福的鐘聲已經響起他將你的手兒牽起
你們彼此交換了戒指你將成為他的妻Oh Oh Oh 愛情來得多麼不易像等過了整整一個世紀 遇見彼此是你們的幸運請狠狠地幸福到底 My dear dear sister You look so beautiful beautiful Life will be colorful colorful And I will love you forever My dear dear sister You look so beautiful beautiful Life will be colorful colorful And we will love you forever 回憶的門兒再度開啟那年他遇見青澀的你 你們攜手走過的經歷請好好地珍惜 希望他能夠好好愛你再多風雨也不離不棄 Oh他一定會好好待你不辜負你真心 My dear dear sister You look so beautiful beautiful Life will be colorful colorful And I will love you forever My dear dear sister You look so beautiful beautiful Life will be colorful colorful And we will love you forever So beautiful So beautiful So beautiful So beautiful Oh Oh Oh My dear dear sister You look so beautiful beautiful Life will be colorful colorful And I will love you forever My dear dear sister You look so beautiful beautiful Life will be colorful colorful And I will love you Oh Oh Oh forever