- ZoRe 影子華爾茲 歌詞
- ZoRe
- 影子華爾茲-Neo Age
Waltz of The Shadow ZoReTheArtist 目睹我和我的影子沐浴在月光的祝福下跳一支 Witnessing me and my shadow bathed under the moonlights blessing 孤獨者的圓舞曲是屬於沒有靈魂的人的華爾茲 Start the Waltz for the souless loners 出入著人群被社會出局因此失去心中在乎的詩 Expelled from society while losing your poem from the heart 該是一篇多麼諷刺 That would be such an ironic 對人格的否定 Personality erasing 把人性的醜映在眼睛和形的故事 Ugliness of humanity exposing story at your eye and your body 說了那麼多 So many times I said “活著不錯” 'Its not bad staying alive' “我也不弱” 'Im not a sucker for love' 束手無策 Dont know what to do 這是我面對沒有你的鏡子的條件反射 Thats my conditioned reflex while facing a mirror without your image 曾一起寫日記可我想不起detail Used to write down everything in our life but I cant remember the details 分別時的祈求那麼逼真被吹熄的light How realistic our begging was when we broke up, the candle light that has been blown off 代表著我和你的路是走完了 Means our journey together is over 且我和你的故事寫完了 Yet our story has ended 這看起來的矜持是不苟言笑 The seemingly reserved emotion is nothing but imprudent 她曾經見到我就會有微笑 She used to smile once she sees me 可是現在的她臉上連顏色都沒有 But now her face is just pure blank 曾幾何時感情只去感知感性 Since when relationships only sense our sensibility 為何不能直接說我愛她 Why cant I just directly say I love her 幹 Dang 現在道歉還來得及嗎 Does it still count if I apologize now 現在說我愛你你會靠近讓我看清你的微笑嗎 If I say I love you will you approach again and let me see your smile 說啊 Say it 告訴我被你隱藏在心底的那個人對我還有一絲的留戀的對吧 Tell me that the person youhide in your heart still missed me right? 對.吧. r i g h t ... 致。成都 To, Chengdu