- Shivaree Arlington girl 歌詞
- Shivaree
- She does raindances
她在雨中起舞 When she's feeling dry 當她感覺枯燥乏味的時候 North train track woman 北方列車軌道上的女人 Got her arms in the sky 雙臂被高高拋向空中 And she's moving to arlington 她正前往海靈頓 As soon as she can 以她最快的速度 She got blood in her eye 她的眼中佈滿血絲 Stones in her sky and she walks like a man 天空中遍布石碑她像人類般行走 Arlington girl 阿靈頓女孩 Arlington girl 阿靈頓女孩 She says she does 她說她要做 Does all she pleases 做一切她喜歡的事 Dancing on tomb stones 在墳墓上舞蹈 Black dirt and old bones 黑色的泥土古老的骸骨 Some say that she's hangin' 有人說她正被高高吊起 Just waiting around 在此等候一下吧 For jesus 為了耶穌
她在雨中起舞 She does raindances 她知道真相 And she knows the score 在後巷彈奏班卓琴的男孩們 All the back alley banjo boys 躺在地板上死去 Lie down and die on the floor 為羅馬人編織故事 Sewing stories for romans 以黃色和藍色 On yellows and blues 昂貴的套房骯髒的牙齒 Expensive suites and dirty teeth 她鞋中的沙礫 There sand in her shoes 阿靈頓女孩 Arlington girl 阿靈頓女孩 Arlington girl 她說她要做 She says she does 做一切她喜歡的事 Does all she pleases 現在她正在墳墓上起舞 Now she's dancing on tomb stones 黑色的泥土古老的骸骨 Black dirt and old bones 有人說她正被高高吊起 Some say she's hanging 在此等候一下吧 Just waiting around 為了耶穌 For jesus 貪得無厭的罪惡 Insatiable sins 有時他們最後發現無事發生 Sometimes they turn out all right 但只有被詛咒的女孩才擁有預見的能力 But only cursed girls have this blessing of foresight 阻止她變得瘋狂吧 So to stop herself from going insane 她沖洗了自己的靈魂 She rinses her soul off 一頭扎進那冰冷的 Down in the cold 藍色的雨中 Blue rain