- Everything Comes Alive 歌詞 We Are Messengers
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- We Are Messengers Everything Comes Alive 歌詞
- We Are Messengers
- In the morning when my heart is cold
晨曦微露之時我心尚有子夜之寒 Youre the heat for my weary soul 你用一片熱忱溫暖我羸弱靈魂 Youre the good in all I know 你是我所熟知的一切美好之物 In the mirror all that I see 我看見鏡中倒影 Is your grace looking back at me 是你的恩典臨降於我 Im not the man that I used to be 我已脫胎換骨 Youre the song, youre the song 你似一首聖樂你似一首讚歌 Rising from my heart 從我內心深處迸發 Everything comes alive 萬物復甦 Everything comes alive 萬物生輝 Everything comes alive 萬物醒然 Everything comes alive,in You 萬物新生以你之名 In the evening when my bones are tired 當夜晚降臨我心倦意乏 Youre my strength and my hearts desire, youre the light when the sun expires 你是我的力量你是我的祈願你是一道 I remember how far Ive come 我尤記一路踽踽而行歷盡艱辛 Im not lost with you Im home 有你相伴我從未迷失自我 I didnt find you on my own 但以我一人之力難以將你找尋 Youre the song, youre the song rising from my heart 你似一首聖樂你似一首讚歌從我內心深處迸發 Everything comes alive 萬物復甦 Everything comes alive 萬物生輝 Everything comes alive 萬物醒然 Everything comes alive,in You 萬物新生以你之名 Im made alive 我重獲新生 Now Im by your side 現在我已與你同行 Ive come alive 我如獲新生 Ive come alive 我已然復甦 Im made alive 我重獲新生 Now Im by your side 現在我已與你同行 Ive come alive 我如獲新生 Ive come alive 我已然復甦 And when my days are done 當我時日將終 Ive got a Hope that Im sure of 心中仍有執念不棄 Ill be with you in heavenly places 我必將與你共立那聖殿高堂 Ill be with you in heavenly places 我必將與你共立那聖殿高堂 Ill be with you in heavenly places 我必將與你共立那聖殿高堂 My heart is beating to the rhythm of your love 我的心怦怦跳動奏響你愛的樂章 My feet are running ever faster to your grace 我的步伐不曾停息只為追隨你恩典 My heart is beating to the rhythm of your love 我的心怦怦跳動奏響你愛的樂章 My feet are running ever faster to your grace 我的步伐不曾停息只為追隨你恩典 Ill be with you in heavenlyplaces 我必將與你共立那聖殿高堂 Ill be with you in heavenlyplaces 我必將與你共立那聖殿高堂 Ill be with you in heavenlyplaces 我必將與你共立那聖殿高堂 Everything comes alive 萬物皆獲救贖