- Igger 護城 歌詞
- HAZE Igger
- 護城
C1(haze) 生來漆黑河水會洗刷我的罪孽/Born black and the river gonna wash my sins 徹夜馭風鬼魅哀鳴/Whole night ride with hurricane and devil sings 我堅守著我的城市即使他們想把我擊潰/I've been guarding for my city they tryna take me down 我在骯髒之城的橋下彈奏鋼琴/I play the piano under the bridge of dirt of town 感受分量有我生命不可承受之重/Weigh it, it's load I cant take no more 虔誠祈禱我依然可以以心相擁/Pray it, I still got the chance to care about 穿越這些謊言我一直為它捍衛/Been through all the lies, I'm here to stand for 那些靈魂我不買賬讓他們下地獄吧/Soul that I don't buy,hell what imma sent for
Bridge(haze) 河水帶走我惡臭的斷代史 我騙她上了車拋尸在金閣寺 證明存在過然後再安樂死 我躍入護城河護城河寫判詞
C2(haze) 生來漆黑河水會洗刷我的罪孽/Born black and the river gonna wash my sins 徹夜馭風鬼魅哀鳴/Whole night ride with hurricane and devil sings 我堅守著我的城市即使他們想把我擊潰/I've been guarding for my city they tryna take me down 我在骯髒之城的橋下彈奏鋼琴/I play the piano under the bridge of dirt of town 感受分量有我生命不可承受之重/Weigh it, it's load I cant take no more 虔誠祈禱我依然可以以心相擁/Pray it, I still got the chance to care about 穿越這些謊言我一直為它捍衛/Been through all the lies, I'm here to stand for 那些靈魂我不買賬讓他們下地獄吧/Soul that I don 't buy,hell what imma sent for
V1(Igger) 無藥可救她說她會為我祈禱ya 在護城河邊每天都有漂起屍體ya 記憶全部失去回鄉翻似窮困爛柯人 不怕失敗被你說成阿Q精神陰謀論 來找我的麻煩全都排成一字長蛇陣 看到白鴿躲在屋頂悄悄puffing kandy pen(電子煙品牌) 如果我搞砸別擔心去觀眾席 包裝好的話別弄灑打開唱機 失去儀式感趕時間決不食言 你的價值觀唱詩班拒絕飾演 願上帝忘掉我犯下的罪 聖水里60億信徒的淚 這皮囊這靈魂深埋的太久 無糖石家莊和igger的分量/no sugar RCT Igger got fame 我們習慣敵對你卻投怀送抱 撕裂嘴角也許對你輕若鴻毛 你就那樣栓在鐵鍊上/On your dog chain 當我需要你的時候你在哪裡/Where the **** you at when I want you 只是你啊/Only 撥通我的電話吧/So call me
C3(haze) 生來漆黑河水會洗刷我的罪孽/Born black and the river gonna wash my sins 徹夜馭風鬼魅哀鳴/Whole night ride with hurricane and devil sings 我堅守著我的城市即使他們想把我擊潰/I've been guarding for my city they tryna take me down 我在骯髒之城的橋下彈奏鋼琴/I play the piano under the bridge of dirt of town 感受分量有我生命不可承受之重/Weigh it, it's load I cant take no more 虔誠祈禱我依然可以以心相擁/Pray it, I still got the chance to care about 穿越這些謊言我一直為它捍衛/Been through all the lies, I'm here to stand for 那些靈魂我不買賬讓他們下地獄吧/Soul that I don't buy,hell what imma sent for
V2(haze) Na 劫了這些車 全部扔進護城河 他們都摀住了耳朵在說 割掉了舌頭唱紅色頌歌 兄弟在邁阿密見了鬼 長跑到波士頓踩了雷 出現在雜誌的封面笑得像殺人犯像川普的白宮例會 他們不配 穿戴著上帝的人皮在鋼琴前教唆入會: “會當擊水”,說我的槍口污穢 滿嘴的投機和道德誤會 牲畜站在製高點 所以我沾了一身腥 說我行為並不檢點 他在石家莊的街頭丟了錢 丟了西裝丟了領帶 丟了種植的髮際線 我站在灰色的天際線 南唐後主的牽機藥 和酒後的便利店 滿腦的金錢腦滿腸肥的旁邊 我願長歌酒後癲癇 這條長河有靈在天 如果我的靈魂躺在醫院 我的祝福在太平間 我被我的歌詞馬革裹屍 被你約在道德高地相見
C4(haze) 生來漆黑河水會洗刷我的罪孽/Born black and the river gonna wash my sins 徹夜馭風鬼魅哀鳴/Whole night ride with hurricane and devil sings 我堅守著我的城市即使他們想把我擊潰/I've been guarding for my city they tryna take me down 我在骯髒之城的橋下彈奏鋼琴/I play the piano under the bridge of dirt of town 感受分量有我生命不可承受之重/Weigh it, it's load I cant take no more 虔誠祈禱我依然可以以心相擁/Pray it, I still got the chance to care about 穿越這些謊言我一直為它捍衛/Been through all the lies, I'm here to stand for 那些靈魂我不買賬讓他們下地獄吧/Soul that I don't buy,hell what imma sent for