- On And On 歌詞 Alex shi啊u & Vivian Chen
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- Alex shi啊u & Vivian Chen On And On 歌詞
- Alex shi啊u & Vivian Chen
- Alex Shiau:
Alex Shiau This is about how life is constantly on move and constantly changing, 生活總是在不斷繼續不斷變化著 so the world always lives on the tick of the clock . 世界隨著時鐘的滴答聲在不停運轉 So stop looking for the next day, remember the only thing constantly is changing. 所以別再等待明天記住這世界裡唯一不改變的只有改變 Yo, yo 喲喲 Life keeps moving no time to look back 生活一直繼續沒時間回頭看 By the time your head turned you're already off track 當你回首時你已偏離正軌 Stacked high is the hurdles of which we have to clear 往事高高堆疊是我們必須清除的障礙 There in a minute already forgetting I'm here 思索片刻不禁出神 It doesn't slow down but it doesn't speed up 時間不會變快但也不會為我停留 Moments so sick that you wanna give up 有時感覺很糟想要放棄 Fast forward through tape straight to destiny's gate 那就加快步伐邁過終點奔向命運之門 But the remote got broke so you gotta just wait 但前路不通時你也得耐心等待 Same place same time, a myth of the mind 同樣的時間地點腦海中的同一個願想 Aint no duplicates when it comes down to game time 時間流逝再不會有一模一樣的複製品 So use your lifelines and save the moment 所以珍惜每一刻活在當下吧 Once I'm done singing gone in the wind it's blowing 當我在風中吟唱旋律亦隨風飄散 Going Away another day gone 一天又一天此般消逝 Tip my hat to the dawn walk on and on and on 壓低帽簷遮擋曙光啟程出發 grounded in the present till the present is gone 時刻對現實生活保持理智 To Remind me that life goes on and on 提醒自己生活還在繼續 Vivian Chen: Vivian Chen people say that the life like this, 人們說生活與眼前所見別無二致 but every time I look I see that it just keeps on changing 但在我眼中生活總是在不斷變化著 life's not what I thought it was 它並不像我之前認為的那樣 I thought that you will well I see that it just keeps on changing 我想你們也會發現生活在不斷地變化 keeps on changing 不斷變化 keeps on changing 不斷變化著 keeps moving on and on 不停的前進著 Alex Shiau: Alex Shiau moments of true change are the hardest at hand 真正去改變的時刻尤為艱難 and I admit avoiding change as much as I can see 我承認我會盡可能地少去改變 Comfort's familiar, unknown's too scary 熟悉的感覺讓人安心未知的一切讓人忐忑 So a ring of same things on my finger I'm married 就像結婚時戴上手指的戒指 divorce deems danger when I'm out of my zone 當分離來臨摘下它會讓人痛苦 I'm sick of life changes, no stage to call home 我厭倦了變化的生活從未有過家的歸屬感 I roam between eras from school to real life 在學校與現實生活之間徘徊 Struggle with the fact that none of it feels right 抵抗著因為沒有一種狀態與我合拍 life just moves too rapid a pace 生活的節奏依舊飛馳 Never really get acquainted where I'm presently placed 還未能熟識如今腳下的這片土地 Once I'm set in the space I hear clocks chime in 只聽見鍾聲一直鳴響著 Signals another stage which I'm done with 催促著我趕往人生的下一個階段 my footing's never clear never stable in its structure 在四處奔波中迷失 Time's a tender lady but a lady like no other 我不知為何立足於此 always shifts shape always saying so long 時間是一位溫柔的女士卻又與眾不同 Never slows down but she walks 總在自言自語讓人捉摸不透 Vivian Chen: 也從不放慢她的腳步 people say that the life like this , Vivian Chen but every time I look I see that it just keeps on changing 人們說生活與眼前所見別無二致 life's not what I thought it was 但在我眼中生活總是在不斷變化著 I thought that you will well I see that it just keeps on changing 它並不像我之前認為的那樣 keeps on changing 我想你們也會發現它在不斷地變化 keeps on changing 不斷變化 keeps moving on and on 不斷變化著 Alex Shiau: 不停的前進著 Life ain't a snapshot it's the whole picture Alex Shiau Only THEN you can see how the figures configure 生活不是快照而是一整幅圖畫 panoramic view reveals more about your inner 置身其中你才能看到圖案如何成形 than a polaroid pic too quick to pull the trigger 全景的圖像能更多的表現你的內心 on one time photos and say life is this 勝過按下快門就能得到的寶麗來相片 When in only seconds God can rewrite this 生活並不像那些一次成像的照片 life is not what we claim or believe it to be 只有上帝才能在幾秒鐘內重繪這幅畫 Because we only see the frame we're meant to see 生活也不是我們宣稱或想像的那樣 and we photoshopped and cropped to fit our many settings 因為我們都活在自己設定的框架之中 The ways WE perceive our tragedy and blessings 我們加工剪切自己的模樣來適應生活 Life isn't how I thought it was I was wrong 還有我們感知不幸與幸福的方式 Remember the show goes 生活與我所想不盡相同是我錯了 Vivian Chen: 要記住這一切還在繼續 people say that the life like this, Vivian Chen but every time I look I see that it just keeps on changing 人們說生活與眼前所見別無二致 life's not what I thought it was 但在我眼中生活總是在不斷變化著 I thought that you will well I see that it just keeps on changing 它並不像我之前認為的那樣 keeps on changing 我想你們也會發現它在不斷地變化 keeps on changing 不斷變化 keeps moving on and on 不斷變化著