- Newton Faulkner Long Shot 歌詞
- Newton Faulkner
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一切都被埋葬在這裡 It's all there underneath 我們所需要的一切 Everything we'll ever need 只剩你我 You and I 看看周圍你會看見 Look aroung and you will see 破碎的思想、毀滅的美夢 Broken minds and shattered dreams 就這樣把時間浪費吧 Wasted time 我無所謂失眠 But I don't mind loosing sleep 艱難通過裂縫之間的擠壓 Squeezing through the cracks between 不分晝夜 Day and Night 這是一場漫長的拉鋸戰 It's such a long shot 我們僅有的一切 Everything that we've got 就只是在這塊焦岩上生存 Just living on this rock 被這深海團團圍住 Surrounded by the sea 我們只能脫掉鞋 With our shoes off 在岩石尖上努力保持平衡 Balancing on rooftops 你把信仰獻給了牧師 You put your faith in preachers 我把信仰留給了自己 I put my faith in me 慢慢時間長河後我們終將看見 Given time we could've seen 一切都會變成他的所思所想 All the things he could've been 如果他不遺餘力地努力過 If he 'd tried 但他卻只是懷抱著“英式美夢 But he settled for the English dream 在平庸中平庸 Lived in mediocraty 在安全線里安全 Stood in line 但這對我來說遠遠不夠 But that's not enough for me 我想我會想發瘋地亂踢、大聲尖叫 I wil kick and I will scream 告訴你這是為何 Tell you why 因為這是場漫長的拉鋸 It's such a long shot 我們僅有的一切 Everything that we've got 就只是在這塊焦岩上生存 Just living on this rock 被這深海團團圍困 Surrounded by the sea 我們只能脫掉鞋 With our shoes off 在岩石尖上努力保持平衡 Balancing on rooftops 你把信仰給獻了牧師 You put your faith in preachers 我把信仰留給了自己 I put my faith in me 我不想浪費你的時間 I don't wanna waste your time 我不想浪費你的青春 I don't wanna waste your time 這是一場漫長的拉鋸 It's such a long shot 我們僅有的一切 Everything that we've got 就只是艱難生存在這塊焦岩上 Just living on this rock 還被大海團團圍困 Surrounded by the sea 我們只能脫掉鞋 With our shoes off 在岩石尖上努力保持平衡 Balancing on rooftops 你把信仰獻給了牧師 You put your faith in preachers 我把信仰留給了自己 I put my faith in me 這是一場漫長的拉鋸 It's such a long shot 我們僅有的一切 Everything that we've got 就只是艱難生存在這塊岩石上 Just living on this rock 被大海團團圍困 Surrounded by the sea 我們只能脫掉鞋 With our shoes off 在岩石尖上努力保持平衡 Balancing on rooftops 你把信仰獻給了牧師 You put your faith in preachers 我把信仰留給了自己 I put my faith in me