- Kodaline Way Back When 歌詞
- Kodaline
- We never had that much to do
那時我們總是閒暇無事 So we just lay around in someone's house 所以整天呆在我們中一個人的家裡 Someday I'll have it all again 總有一天,我要再次擁抱這樣的生活 Just like way back when 一如往昔 Back then we'd sleep until the afternoon 那時我們會酣睡到下午 And we'd just get up and go outside 睡眼惺忪地起床,而後走出房門 Open a window, let the breeze blow in 打開一扇窗,清風拂面 Forget everything 一切也隨風消散 Those will be the days that I will be missing 在我年華老去,白髮蒼蒼,風燭殘年之時 When I' m older, when I'm gray and when I'll stop working 我會懷念那些舊時光 I hope that I can say 惟願在彌留之際 When all my days are done 我可以說 We were just having fun 我們那時玩兒得很開心 Well we'd go drinking in the afternoon 那時我們會在下午喝幾杯 Lie out on the grass and fall asleep 躺在茵茵草地上,逐漸入眠 Oh will I ever see that girl again? 哦~我還會再次遇見那個女孩嗎? The girl from way back when 當時的那個女孩 We used to share a cigarette 那時我們會分享一支香煙 And throw together everything we had 一起把擁有的一切拋在腦後 And then go driving in my parents' car 然後開著我父母的車去兜風 We never strayed too far 我們從不開得太遠 Yea, those will be the days that I will be missing 在我年華老去,白髮蒼蒼,風燭殘年之時 When I'm older, when I'm gray and when I'll stop working 我會懷念那些舊時光 I hope that I can say 惟願在彌留之際 When all my days are done 我可以說 That I had my fun 我曾快樂地活了一遭 Those will be the days I had my fun 我那愉快的舊時光啊 Yeah, time can move so fast 時光飛逝 Some things aren't made to last 有些事物不會延續到永遠 So here's to you, my dear old friend 致你,我親愛的老友 From way back when 一如往昔 Those will be the days that I will be missing 在我年華老去,白髮蒼蒼,風燭殘年之時 When I'm older, when I'm gray and when I'll stop working 我會懷念那些舊時光 I hope that I can say 惟願在彌留之際 When all my days are done 我可以說 That I had my fun 我曾快樂地活了一遭