- Galaxy M.TF.D 歌詞
- Galaxy
- And maybe I can stop u leaving me
And maybe I can stop u leaving me i cant belive this shit happend to me i cant belive this shit happend to me all right all right 作出決定的你我不奇怪 熱情慢慢退卻我早已在心門外 baby baby 就請你一人獨自離開然後給我一個痛快 假裝堅強其實內心早已決千瘡百孔 像是沒有靈魂的軀殼如同行屍走肉 當初的所有承諾 就在時間海裡沉落 把記憶封存的去放在心裡某個角落
you lie you around in my life 現在的我已不可能再去為你等待 dont waste my time 已不在 物是人非都已結束就將過去的全撕開 打破陰霾沖開阻礙 猶如鳳凰涅槃重生 充滿期待重整狀態 舊事覆蓋重振雄風 To the waster I dont care I gonna say goodbye.
And maybe I can stop u leaving me And maybe I can stop u leaving me i cant belive this shit happend to me