- JADE telephone 歌詞
- 製作人: 嘟嘟/週已敦
電話呀電話你總是掌握著一切 Telephone oh telephone, the one who takes control in every way 打電話做生意決不接受欠款 Make some calls and pay the bill, we will get paid on time is all I care 電話呀電話但你可否給我一點喘息機會 Telephone oh telephone, but why don't you be quiet and stay away 調成靜音模式然後立刻帶我離開這裡 To the place I feel calm and free 去一個安靜清幽之地 Telephone just shut yourself, and take me to the place right away … 在那沒人會打擾我們 Where no one could ever come in 試著別接起電話 Try not to pick up the call 我們正享受美好時光 We're having so much better time 包你滿意 You gonna love it! 電話呀電話你的濾鏡讓我看起來光鮮亮麗 Telephone oh telephone, I'm looking great cuz you've fixed my face 輕輕鬆松打個電話也不必擔心沒地方過夜 Shake it shake it booty call, and once in a while I get an easy laid 話呀電話而我已開始感到迷惘 Telephone oh telephone, now I don't see the cause in anyway, no way 魔鏡啊魔鏡誰能帶我脫離這混沌之地 Mirror mirror on the wall , who's gonna put me out of misery 去一個安靜清幽之地 To the place I feel calm and free 在那沒人會打擾我們 Where no one could ever come in 試著別接起電話 Try not to pick up the call 我們正享受美好時光 We're having so much better time 包你滿意 You gonna love it! 去一個安靜清幽之地 To the place I feel calm and free 在那沒人會打擾我們 Where no one could ever come in 試著別接起電話 Try not to pick up the call 我們正享受美好時光 We're having so much better time 我們正享受美好時光 We're having so much better time 我們正享受美好時光 We're having so much better time 我們正享受美好時光 We're having so much better time 趕緊加入我們吧 You'd better be hurry! 電話你要注意安全失去你我會出大問題 Telephone be careful, I lost you I'll be shitting in my pants 鑰匙跟身家財產都交給你替我守住不可告人的秘密 Hold my keys and save my gold, you hide the secret like no one can 而如今責無旁貸一切都是我太依賴你我也知道這樣不是辦法但 Telephone it's not your fault, I just can't help but living like your slave, no brain Yes I know I need to go, but… 我終究還是只能乖乖當你的奴僕 I don't think I'd ever run away