- Drake Jorja Interlude 歌詞
- Drake
- These things'll fall down but you'll pick 'em up
我心裡一些信念會土崩瓦解,但你會幫我重拾重鑄 You're still here to touch the ground 你依然會在這裡腳踏實地讓我覺得有枝可依 Don't worry, I swear 別擔心,我發誓 I know you're trying to help me 我知道你試著要幫助我
試圖為我減少負擔 Tryna stay light on my toes 勞斯萊斯的車燈一打 Just ran a light in a Rolls 就能告訴我我看上去疲憊不堪 Told me I'm lookin' exhausted 你真的一語中的 You hit it right on the nose 我受夠了這幫黑鬼 I'm tired of all of these niggas 我受夠了這幫外圍 I'm tired of all of these hoes 一心想著取代我 Worried 'bout taking my lane 一幫笨蛋甚至連邊都沒夠到 And ain't even got on my road 他們轉身背叛你離開你 They turn they back and they leave you 當他們需要你的時候又再爬回來 They gon' be back when they need you 我行善避惡 I practice good over evil 像翻通讀一樣翻著整個劇本 Flippin' the script like a read-through 唉,我的所有兄弟們,我們都是平等的 Yeah, all of my brothers, we equal 我也在扮演我自己的角色,就像是個續集一樣(PART TWO,PART TOO諧音) I play my part too like a sequel 你告訴你的兄弟們你都罩著他們 You tell your niggas you got 'em on anything 問題是:他們相信你麼? Question is: do they believe you? 尤其是你從來沒經歷過這些 'Specially when you never come through 你心裡那麼多的恨意 So much hate inside your heart 我們甚至都不知道我們怎麼你了 We don't even know what we done to you 我們只知道事情會被處理好 We just know shit getting run through 從來不疲於奔命,一切順其自然 Never chase it, let it come to you 你在這裡對所有人大放厥詞 You out here tellin' everybody everything 你們這幫黑鬼行動起來跟一幫幼稚園出來的似的 You niggas move like the one-two, yeah 我心裡一些信念會土崩瓦解,但你會幫我重拾重鑄 These things'll fall down but you'll pick 'em up 你依然在這裡腳踏實地讓我有枝可依 You're still here to touch theground 別擔心,我發誓 Don't worry, I swear 我知道你在試圖幫我 I know you're trying to help me 我知道你在試圖幫我 I know you're trying to help me 我知道你在試圖幫我 I know you're trying to help me 我知道,我知道 I know, I know 同時往你的金屬車頂加更多金屬,所以喊我名字的時候注意點,知道麼?
And more chune for your headtop, so watch how you speak on my name, you know?