- Corrinne May Beautiful Life 歌詞
- Corrinne May
- It's a living every moment
請把每個瞬間都當成一場邂逅 Like it could be our last 就像再無下一場一樣珍惜 For our hearts are restless til they rest in love's caress 因為愛可以撫慰心的不安 In the moments we remember 記憶中的每一次被愛 They interweave our hearts 他們與我們交織 Like a tapestry surrounding us, that we forget to touch 就像被溫暖的掛毯包圍,忘乎所以
這就是我們為什麼醒來的原因 That's why we wake up every morning 這就是為什麼我們要報以微笑 It's why we seek each others' smile 這就是為什麼我們始終付出 Its why we know that its so worth it 這也是為什麼我們不懼犧牲 Its why we hold on and make the sacrifice 當你抱著寶寶
他眼裡的清澈與期待 Its in the eyes of a child 讓你的心跳復甦 As you hold her in your arms 你的世界與他一併重生 And your heart starts to beat once again 在她飽含希望的歌聲中 And your world is reborn 所以微笑吧,這是個美好的世界 In the freshness of her song 這世界不乏貧窮的人努力維持生計 Smile, it's a beautiful life 可愛給他們希望
當他與他的孩子在街上嬉鬧的時候 Its in the hope of the poor man 希望就是陣陣歡笑 As he struggles to make ends meet 一個開開心心的孩子 Its in the laughter of his children 不是一百萬堆砌出來的 As they play in the street 他只需要一雙愛的臂膀 Don't need a million dollars 和一點點關愛的時間 To raise a happy child 這就是我們為什麼醒來的原因 Just need a pair of loving arms 這就是為什麼我們要報以微笑 The time to make her smile 這就是為什麼我們始終付出
這也是為什麼我們不懼犧牲 That's why we wake up every morning 當你賠禮道歉時 It's why we seek each others' smile 愛是朋友欣慰的淚水 Its why we know that its so worth it 你的歌重獲生命力 Its why we hold on and make the sacrifice 世界的千千萬萬生存方式
皆是同一個命理 Its in the tears of our friend 始終微笑,這是個美好的世界 As you finally make amends 當她傾身索吻的時候 And your song starts to breathe once again 愛就是她嘴唇的餘溫 And the way of the world 你的世界因此而旋轉 Falls away with one word 你們的心彼此交織 Smile, it's a beautiful life 你們開始擁有同一個夢
所以微笑吧,這是個美好的世界 Its in the touch of her lips 美好的世界 As she leans in for a kiss 美好的世界 And your world starts to spin once again 美好的世界 And two hearts become one As a dream has begun Smile, it's a beautiful life It's a beautiful life It's a beautiful life It's a beautiful life