- 茂濤 七十年代末 歌詞
- 傀儡樂隊 茂濤
- 喜歡到處跑
I used to prefer running around, 喜歡熱鬧鬧 I used to enjoy joining the fun, 喜歡花里胡哨 I used to love fancy toys, 喜歡張牙舞爪 I used to like monkeying around. 我是一隻初生的羊羔 Innocent as a newborn lamb, 我的命運我自己知道 I knew what my destiny was. 如果不是被狼群吃的 I would be eaten by you 那麼一定會被你吃掉 if not by the wolves.
我的雙手舉得高 I raised my hands high 但不知道在為誰投標 not knowing whom I was voting for. 邁著大步我向前跑 I ran striding 但不知道在被誰左右 not knowing manipulated by whom.
七十年代末Late Seventies 詞:法茹克Lyrics: Ph 曲:法茹克Music: Ph 編曲:法茹克Music Arranger: Ph 唱:茂濤、法茹克Vocls: Mao Tao , Ph 吉他:法茹克Guitar: Ph 貝斯:焦蘭Bass: Javlan 鼓:法如克Drum: Faruk
喜歡到處跑 I used to prefer running around, 喜歡熱鬧鬧 I used to enjoy joining the fun, 喜歡花里胡哨 I used to love fancy toys, 喜歡張牙舞爪 I used to like monkeying around. 那時的電影特別好 All movies, though inexplicable, 電影的情節莫名其妙 were impressive indeed. 那時的喇叭特別吵 althorns were noisy, 那一個年代我特別小 and I was little. 那時的雲彩特別好 Clouds were beautiful, 那時的壞蛋特別少 scoundrels were few, 那時的喇叭特別吵 althorns were noisy, 那一個年代我特別小 and I was little.