- Alina Baraz Fallin 歌詞
- Alina Baraz
- Into the night, I see nothin but stars falling
夜幕降臨,我見點點亮光從一抹漆黑中墜落 Into the night, I see nothin but stars 夜色傾瀉,星點若隱若現 Into the night, I see nothin but stars falling 隨著夜深,我只觀望至遠處光景在逐漸暗淡褪去 Into the night, I see nothin but stars 深夜的漆黑,周圍只剩一片虛無唯獨眼中的星辰 Play me out like a song 讓我們在如夢如幻的歌中完全釋放自己到宇宙前沿 You shut me down 你將我身心擊垮 I want to let you go, but I give in 我曾欲將你身上推離,但我卻還是屈服於你身上的陣陣炙熱氣息 I stay around 我會留在你的周圍 I got to let you know Ive got to go 只想讓你想我所想,可這也是我該離去的時候了 Im done with you 我與你間也再無瓜葛 Feeling dumb, feeling blind 享受這無聲、無光仙境般的快樂吧 Im feeling used, but I keep 但被利用的感覺湧上心頭,我仍試著逃離 Running, running, running back to you 掙脫來自你的禁錮,可卻又繞回你的身旁 And you keep playing me, playing me, playing me like a fool 你只把我當一個蠢貨般愚弄、戲耍 I cant stop running, running, running back to you 我無法停下逃離的步伐而沉醉於你 You just keep playing me, playing me, playing me like a fool 你只把我當一個蠢貨般挑逗、戲弄 Into the night, I see nothin but stars falling 夜幕降臨,我眼中毫無生機唯獨屬於你的那一抹光亮 Into the night, I see nothin but stars 隨著夜深,我別無其他想法只想與你共赴光影中去 Into the night, I see nothin but stars falling 探入你灰暗的世界,我感受到只有一切荒蕪卻唯獨跌入你雙眼的熠熠生輝 Into the night, I see nothin but stars 在黑夜裡,我只感受到你炙熱如光的眼神 Catch my breath 掐住我的每一縷呼吸 I watch you go 我的目光隨你遷移 I cant forget the things you put me through 我無法將你紮根於我身體的記憶從我腦海裡抹去 You dont care 別生做一副滿不在意的樣子 Youve got me wrapped around you 讓我纏綿交繞在你身旁可好 I come back 待我歸來 You love that, I know you do 你迷戀這種感覺,我了解你逃不開我 Feeling dumb, feeling blind 沉溺於欲言不止,四目無他的感覺 Im feeling used, but I keep 被利用的感覺湧上心頭,我仍試著逃離 Running, running, running back to you 掙脫來自你的禁錮,可卻又繞回你的身旁 And you keep playing me, playing me, playing me like a fool 你只把我當一個蠢貨般愚弄、戲弄 I cant stop running, running, running back to you 可我還是無法停下腳下步伐來投入你炙熱的呼吸中 You just keep playing me, playing me, playing me like a fool 你只把我當一個蠢貨般挑逗、玩弄 Into the night, I see nothin but stars falling 夜幕降臨,我見點點亮光從一抹漆黑中墜落 Into the night, I see nothin but stars 夜色傾瀉,星點若隱若現 Into the night, I see nothin but stars falling 隨著夜深,我只觀望至遠處光景在逐漸暗淡褪去 Into the night, I see nothin but stars 深夜的漆黑,周圍只剩一片虛無唯獨眼中的星辰 Why do I keep running? 我為何要堅定離開的決心 (Running, running, running back to you) 為逃離、掙脫來自你的禁錮,可最終我又繞回你的身旁 Why cant I stop running? 我為何停止不下奔向你的腳步 (Running, running, running back to you) 即使結果差強人意,但我必須堅持下去 I just keep on running 但我必須堅持下去 (Running, running, running back to you) 即使我明白逃離的結果還是繞回你的身旁 I cannot stop running 我不能停下 Into the night, I see nothin but stars falling 夜晚降臨,我又毫無顧忌地想起你 Into the night, I see nothin but stars 深夜之中,我能念到的只能是你 Into the night, I see nothin but stars falling 在黑夜李,只有記憶卻再也尋不到你的身影 Into the night, I see nothin but stars 午夜夢迴,我還能感受到一場屬於與你的溫存 Into the night, I see nothin but stars falling 已至半夜,我為你而屏息凝神 Into the night, I see nothin but stars 夜晚降臨,我的眼裡只有你