- Ekali Forgot How To Dream 歌詞
- Ekali
- Why cant I be myself when Im by myself?
獨處時,為什麼我不能做我自己? Im only nervous alone, what did I settle for? 我孤獨時很緊張,我又能在何處安身? Just a metaphor of something that felt like a home 一些事物只是個像徵,像家一樣虛無縹緲 Black ivy, Im so lost, come find me wandering 黑色常春藤,我迷失方向,四處徘徊 Used to be reliable, now Im liable 過去我值得依賴,如今我陷入病態 For promises I couldnt keep 我無法兌現承諾 I was a little kid, I was different 我只是個與眾不同的小孩兒 The world is alive as I sleep 舉世皆清我獨醉 All day eyes shut, my mind just stays blank 每日我閉上雙眼,我的思緒一片空白 Guess I forgot how to dream 我忘記如何入睡
更忘記如何墜入夢鄉 Guess I forgot how to dream 我迷失了自我,我困惑不已
過去我循規蹈矩 Think that Im losing it, Im confusing things 為什麼我不能相信自己,試著學會愛自己? That I used to keep in a line 他們說這是這個時期的正好表現 Why cant I trust myself, learn to love myself? 不要離開我,我思維混亂不清 They say its a sign of the times 我一直在前行 Dont leave me, oh my mind wont stay easy, easy 但我並沒有駕車行駛 Ive been along for the ride, 一會兒沒睜開雙眼,我發誓我很真摯 But I havent been driving 但是雜草叢生的網絡遮蔽了我的想像力 Havent used my eyes in a minute, swear Im sincere 刺眼的光亮令人難以看透 But the **** and the Internet clouded my vision 或活於現實之中 These lights make it hard just to sit in 變得不像我自己 Or live in the skin that I got 看著相片中的人們在望著時鐘,看著時針轉動 Turned into something Im not 我想我忘記瞭如何入睡 Im looking at photos of people looking at the clock 忘記瞭如何進入夢境
忘記瞭如何做夢 Guess I forgot how to dream 忘記瞭如何做夢
Guess I forgot how to dream
Guess I forgot how to dream, dream, dream Guess I forgot how to dream, dream, dream, dream