- JVNA Catch Me (LICK Remix) 歌詞
我難以控制自己 Im hard to break through 害怕著愛上你 Scared to fall for you 不想讓你等待 Dont want you to wait (像花式跳傘一樣)墜落 Into a skydive 談論我們的生活 Talk about our lives 也許這就是命運 And maybe its fate 你就像一朵盛開在雪中的花 Youre just like a flower blooming in snow 在嚴寒的冬天裡象徵著希望 A symbol of hope in the harsh winter cold 不知道我是否已準備好 Dont know if Im ready 去放手一搏 To take a leap of faith 你準備好追上我了嗎? Are you ready to catch me? 你準備好追上我了嗎? Are you ready to catch me? 一二三四 One two three four 你準備好追上我了嗎? Are you ready to catch me? 你準備好追上我了嗎? Are you ready to catch me? 醒來思念 Woke up to missing 你寬厚的臂膀 Your arms of safety 我的思緒開始飄忽 My thoughts start to cloud 我抱著你的毛衣 I hug your sweater 不知道是否 Not knowing whether 被允許這樣做 If this is allowed 你就像融化雪的火 Youre just like a fire melting the snow 一股強烈的情感溫暖了我的心靈 A rush of emotions warming my soul 不知道我是否已準備好 Dont know if Im ready 去放手一搏 To take a leap of faith 所以準備好追上我吧 So get ready to catch me 所以準備好追上我吧 So get ready to catch me 一二三四 One two three four 所以準備好追上我吧 So get ready to catch me 所以準備好追上我吧 So get ready to catch me 追上我 Catch me