- i萬t有T olive(pro大本營.Faun MU) 歌詞 RO$E JAY
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- RO$E JAY i萬t有T olive(pro大本營.Faun MU) 歌詞
- 封面製作:Lucas程樂毅
mix by:zush beatmaker:FaumnU v1:2003年4月1日的那個下午 一個傳奇巨星將他璀璨的生命結束 很久之前他就被抑鬱症的病痛折磨 他選擇抗爭四處求醫為了對抗病魔 但他還是從25層墜落 人們發現他時他的屍體倒在血泊 當新聞發出無數粉絲為此痛哭流涕 但是所有的人都會記住他的事蹟 hook:I don't wanna you to leave. I really want you to live. I don't want you to leave I really want you to live. I don't want you to leave I really want you to live. I don't want you to leave. I really want you to live. v2:那是一個夏天在6月18 一個說唱新星在跑車內慘遭槍殺 那年他僅僅二十 就這樣英年早逝 他雖死去但是他的精神永遠留在歌迷心中 他用歌詞去問,去憤,去書寫 他的人生充滿坎坷不平 但他對目標依舊篤定 他在冉冉升起的途中卻遭遇了不幸 hook:I don't wanna you to leave. I really want you to live. I don't want you to leave I really want you to live. I don't want you to leave I really want you to live. I don't want you to leave. I really want you to live. v3:當我看到一個個傳奇都死於意外 我才明白無論是誰都無法把死亡擊敗 我會把那些離我們而去的人們銘記心頭 每次知道有人死去我都會痛心疾首 所以朋友 你別再為一點小事犯愁 因為幸運總是排在困難之後壓軸 別輕易的說出我想死去 所有困難都會被治愈 你要學會擦亮眼晴看清這世界上的美麗 當你拿起一把刀放在你的左腕 你得知道千里以外還有一群夥伴 割腕不是解決問題 是對現實的逃避 當你的目標還未實現 可別就這麼離開世界 hook:I don't wanna you to leave. I really want you to live. I don't want you to leave I really want you to live. I don't want you to leave I really want you to live. I don' t want you to leave. I really want you to live.