- 輝人 watercolor (English ver.) 歌詞
- 輝人
- 編曲: 박우상
我會將自我描摹 I will draw me 在這潔白紙張之上大放異彩 On papers with nothing on it 想像自我置身最為閃耀奪目的場景 Thinking of the brightest scene myself 我呢是如何看待 What about me 當我深深墜入那光怪陸離的夢境 When I fall into my dream world 我便能完全看清自我的心緒 I can look into my mind then 我要為其添以濃墨重彩 Gonna make it colored 拾起畫筆揮灑勾勒 I pick up my brush 肆意渲染我內在的一切 Just dye my everything yeah 內心深處也不例外 Deep in my mind 如此過後我會隨心指引而行 Then I will follow my heart 將我所擁有的都加以描繪 Draw the things that only I have 隨心所欲按照我的方式 Gotta do it my way 我不願止步於此 I don't wanna stay here 此刻我起身而立 Now I get up 願將自我滿滿充盈 I wanna fill me up 哪怕暈染得模糊不清 Paint me like a blur 也都是無妨 It doesn't matter 我依然在勇敢逐夢 I'm still a dreamer 會助自我振作前行 I'm gonna raise me up 想令自己披上更多斑斕之色 I want more colors for me 現在快些挑選決定 Now just pick anything 隨意選擇即可 Just pick anything 繼續描畫創作此番作品 Paint over the drawing 細心勾勒反复雕琢 Drawing over the color line 無論外在是作何改變 No matter what I look like 我心知我始終如一 I'm the same I know 待到風乾後繼續揮筆層層渲染 Dry it out and paint again again 一切都將永駐絕不會消逝 Nothing is gonna fadeaway 猜猜看 Guess what 我明了你無法洞悉 I know it's invisible 猜怎麼著 Guess what 請再為我等候片刻 Wait for me a little more 你猜怎麼樣 Guess what 向我靠近而來繼續細細端詳吧 Come to me and look at me more 我會令自己愈髮美好 I'm gonna make me better 一切都煥然新生 All is new to me 其實我是如此之貪婪 Actually I'm so greedy 僅對我自己 Only for me 如此過後我會隨心指引而行 Then I will follow my heart 將我所擁有的都加以描繪 Draw the things that only I have 隨心所欲按照我的方式 Gotta do it my way 我不願止步於此 I don't wanna stay here 此刻我起身而立 Now I get up 願將自我滿滿充盈 I wanna fill me up 哪怕暈染得模糊不清 Paint me like a blur 也都是無妨 It doesn't matter 我依然在勇敢逐夢 I'm still a dreamer 會助自我振作前行 I'm gonna raise me up 想令自己披上更多斑斕之色 I want more colors for me 現在快些挑選決定 Now just pick anything 有時我心底感到 Sometimes I feel like 不願勉強擠出笑容 I don't wanna smile 你可以放聲痛哭繼續完善自我 You will be better Just you can cry 我無需隱藏偽裝以虛假掩飾 I don't need to be fake I don't 只會為真實自我而活 I'm gonna live for me 此刻我起身而立 Now I get up 願將自我滿滿充盈 I wanna fill me up 哪怕暈染得模糊不清 Paint me like a blur 也都是無妨 It doesn't matter 勾勒出真實自己 I draw myself 我依然在勇敢逐夢 I'm still a dreamer 會助自我振作前行 I'm gonna raise me up 想令自己披上更多斑斕之色 I want more colors for me 現在快些挑選決定 Now just pick anything 隨意選擇即可 Just pick anything 恣意描繪即可 Just pick anything