- Music Travel Love One More Day 歌詞
- Music Travel Love
- Last night I had a crazy dream
昨夜的夢如此瘋狂 A wish was granted just for me 獨享著深埋心底的願望 It could be for anything 儘管那是天馬行空的想像 I didnt ask for money 不屑金錢堆砌 Or a mansion in Malibu 鄙視名譽城牆 I simply wished for one more day with you! 我要的簡簡單單,只是多一天在你身旁 One more day, one more time 慢些吧記憶,慢些吧時光 One more sunset, maybe Id be satisfied 也許再看一次黃昏日落,我就不再徒勞抵抗 But then again, I know what it would do 自欺欺人的謊言,結局倒也直接了當 Leave me wishing still for one more day with you 獨我一人還淪陷在你的風暴 First thing Id do is pray for time to crawl 只此一事我雙手捧起流沙時光 Id unplug the telephone and keep the t.v off 所有世俗紛擾,都可拋之腦後 Id hold you every second 就在這滾燙星河 Say a million I love yous 與你相擁成最美的石像 Thats what Id do with one more day with you 我的前途理想,都滿是你的模樣 One more day, one more time 慢些吧記憶,慢些吧時光 One more sunset maybe Id be satisfied 也許再陪我看次日落,我就放棄了抵抗 But then again I know what it would do 那所有結局明晰的事,不都在反複播放 Leave me wishing still for one more day with you 獨我一人還淪陷於你的風暴 One more day, one more time 不如再多些時光,不如再一次擁抱 One more sunset maybe Id be satisfied 不如再去看看日落黃昏 But then again I know what it would do 不如再告訴自己自欺其人的謊言,結局都直接了當 Leave me wishing still for one more day with you 獨我一人,還為你癡狂 Leave me wishing still for one more day with you 獨我一人,還淪陷於風暴 Leave me wishing still for one more day with you. 獨我一人,還在為那天苦苦祈禱 Oh, one more day, one more time 慢些吧記憶,慢些吧時光