- FANBEI BLUE MOOD(prod by Lv9) 歌詞
My mood is so blue The sky is so blue 帶個墨鏡I am so cool But my mood is so blue The life is so blue I want stay in my home sunshine is so blue But my mood is so blue 天氣降溫了披上外套 約好的約定我怕感冒 感到無聊問候無效 一起來耍但生人勿擾 放縱點聽懂沒 到網紅店找個妹 憂鬱讓我天生就聰慧 憂鬱沒人和我是同類 My mood is so blue The sky is so blue 帶個墨鏡I am so cool But my mood is so blue The life is so blue I want stay in my home sunshine is so blue But my mood is so blue im blue 格格不入 掩飾不住恍恍惚惚 人群對我是個束縛 blue讓我覺得很舒服wu im blue 畢加索is blue 旋律露骨flow 似瀑布 我不點別家的燈火 也不會做承諾 blue代表我很冷漠 為什麼要聽別人的聲音 來聽聽我的旋律會上癮 blue最會的是保持冷靜 我生來天賦異禀沒有原因 克萊因藍最昂貴 跟我的氣質最搭配 最討厭廉價的香水 我的情感對你是浪費 My mood is so blue The sky is so blue 帶個墨鏡I am so cool But my mood is so blue The life is so blue I want stay in my home sunshine is so blue But my mood is so blue My mood is so blue The sky is so blue 帶個墨鏡I am so cool But my mood is so blue The life is so blue I want stay in my home sunshine is so blue But my mood is so blue