- so mean 歌詞 samsa mxmtoon Afternoon love-sadKiD
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- love-sadKiD so mean 歌詞
- samsa mxmtoon Afternoon love-sadKiD
- The weather, oh-oh, the weather
哎呀看看這天氣 Ruining our plans come on and get it together 打破了我們所有的計劃啥心思都沒了 So mean, so mean 太掃興了 The weather, oh-oh, the weather 瞧瞧窗外 Waiting for the sun but it's not getting better 成天見不到一絲陽光 So mean, so mean 太討厭啦 Yo, I don't miss the woolen jackets and the winter caps 沒錯我可一點都不喜歡冬天裡那些羊毛外套和絨帽 Scratchy scarves, bulky boots 扎人的圍巾笨重的短靴 How everyday my lips were chapped 還有我那總是被凍裂了的嘴皮子 My dermatologist a firm apologist of winter weather 我去看皮膚科醫生的次數就是最好的證明 I've used every type of cream and lip balm and I'm still not better 用過各種面霜唇膏還是沒啥卵用 Aside from skin, I don't miss my itchy thermal sheep-skin socks 除了這些我還特討厭那種熱得讓我腳發癢的羊毛襪 I've been waiting since December for the vernal equinox 自寒冷的十二月以來我就一直在盼望春天 And thankfully it's here 謝天謝地它終於來了 No more driving through the permafrost 再也不用開個車凍得直哆嗦 I don't need a coffee thermos 再也不用隨身攜帶咖啡保溫瓶 I can turn my furnace off 再也不用時刻開著暖氣 And note to self: 興奮地我早已忍不住開始我的美好計劃: I've been waiting months for all this snow to melt 好幾個月我都在等待冰消雪融 And finally it's gone 現在終於春回大地了 And I can venture out of our room 我終於可以沖出房門 Frolic in the foliage 暢遊在青枝綠葉中 Kick back and watch the flowers bloom 悠閒自得地觀賞百花齊放 And breathe the open air as the heavens shine bright and powder blue 享受碧空萬里下的清新空氣 There's just one little problem though that I didn't account for 不過我忽略了一個問題 Every ******* weather forecast has a chance of downpour 該死的天氣預報每次都說會下雨 Just one little issue and yes I'm a bit impatient 是的就這麼點小事我還是會不耐煩 But I haven't waited all this time for more precipitation 因為我又不是苦等為了看雨 Like weather gods, there's just one little thought I'm tryna get across 好吧我真的需要慢慢學會接受天氣的變化多端 I don't expect things perfect but at least just give me better odds 我又不是說凡事都要如我所願但也不用這麼糟糕吧 Lately I've been hoping that the tones of grey would fade 最近我一直在期望這灰沉沉的日子盡快消失 And that the sky would yawn cerulean not rain on my parade 可以迎來蔚藍的天空而不是瓢潑大雨 And I know I'm being harsh on you but I'm not tryna scapegoat 我知道我太苛刻了但我也不是無理取鬧呀 It'd just be nice to go outside without wearing a raincoat 我只是覺得出門不用套著一件大雨衣更開心舒適 Without holding umbrellas 不用費勁拿著一把雨傘 The sidewalk nice and chalky 沒有濕漉漉的人行道 With no puddles there to waddle through 沒有坑坑洼窪的水坑 Wearing nothing waterproof 完全不用帶任何雨具 But maybe on the bright side it's a fair bet 不過看向好的一面似乎也不是壞事 To think the sun is over on her way here 反正太陽終究會出現的 But not here yet 只是時候未到 So let's go get our hair wet 好吧那就出去淋個痛快吧 **** it, let's go dancing in our bare feet 光著腳盡情舞蹈管它的呢 On a rooftop super carefree 自由自在無憂無慮 With the pattering of the dew drops as our jukebox 讓淅淅瀝瀝的細雨為我們奏樂 And run for cover at a nearby coffee shop 累了就跑向最近的一家咖啡館避雨 Where we can dry our parka and our rubberized galoshes off 脫下我們濕透了的大衣和雨靴 And we'll just take a rain-check for that picnic in the grass 戶外野餐可以改天再舉行的 And sip our lattes by the window as the drizzle hits the glass 此刻就讓我們不顧窗外雨好好享受手中這杯溫暖的拿鐵吧 The weather, oh-oh, the weather 你看這窗外的天氣 Ruining our plans come on and get it together 雖然計劃泡湯了但也還是要打起精神來 So mean, so mean 不然能怎麼辦呢 The weather oh-oh, the weather 又是風又是雨的 Waiting for the sun but it's not getting better 等不到一點暖陽 So mean, so mean 真叫人無奈呢 Okay, so I'm feeling like I took a bit to see the light 嗯我似乎才開始漸漸明白 Routinely stayed inside so I could keep a peace of mind 通常這種情況下為了保持自己的冷靜與理智我都選擇足不出戶 But now I stay in fright of white little sparkles in the air 但現在我再次望著空氣中的濛濛細雨 And while I'm waiting for the showers seems these months are ever there 回想著這幾個月的陣雨確實是明白了雨季總是難免的 They never go away but sit complacent 雨總是接連不斷地下洋洋得意 Where as I'm wishing I could see the pavement, latent hating 當我在這渴望出去玩的時候 On the continents that feel the burn when school is out and tables turn 內心還有著對那些已經開始迎來夏天的人的不滿 The skin hurts and things are said that because the heat just makes you think to 好吧沒什麼大不了的炎炎烈日會讓他們曬傷皮膚的哈 But despite the fact it truly makes you think about the people 事實就是如此 And I'm praying to a deity cause recently this weather has me overweight 哎呀我真的祈求上天了最近因為這天氣我都發福了 The perfect time for dates but yet we're snowed in in our place 該是戀愛約會的好時期了這兒居然還在下雪 And it gets cold out when it's late so baby don 't forget the blankets 外面是天越黑就越冷呀所以寶貝我們還是在家裹著毛毯吧 And reminiscing and dreaming can keep us warm for just a while 暫時先用美好甜蜜的回憶溫暖我們的內心 But darling won't you turn the thermostat right up to winter dial 要不再把暖氣調高點唄 We can hibernate to skip our fate and jump to summer, first comes spring 我們可以逃避一切開始冬眠了冬去春來嘛 But don't forget the droplets and the storming it might bring 但可別忘了風雨總是會有的 I'm exhausted, I'm just wondering when I'll feel the rays again 真是累了到底什麼時候可以感受到陽光呢 Maybe never will I see the sun or things that are akin 彷彿再也感受不到任何溫暖了 And yet these google images will only get me oh so far 外面的街景圖也都已經看膩了 And yes my thinking may be screwed I know my thoughts may be bizarre 我知道我老是有這些那些荒誕無稽的想法 I greet these trials with a smile and grin 但無論如何希望你明白 For whatever reason 我還是會微笑面對這令我煩躁的一切 I can keep my calm and know that you'll be there for the seasons that I hate 因為有你陪我度過這討厭的季節我學會冷靜從容 You could help me hold on so that I could bear the wait 因為有你陪我一起堅持我願意忍受這漫長等待 It's understated just as much on how this seasons overplayed 這些季節再怎麼糟糕因為有你一切也都變得輕巧 We could stay inside together, you and I in matching sweaters 我們可以穿著情侶毛衣彼此依偎在家裡 And though it may just be forever, me and you could beat the weather 因為有你我們可以打敗如此漫長的寒冬 Oh I know, that summertime is overdue 喔~ 夏天依舊沒按時到來 But I know I can make it girl as long as it's with you 但沒關係只要是跟你一起我就可以熬過去 The weather, oh-oh , the weather 再次望向外面的天氣 Ruining our plans come on and get it together 沒事兒計劃總是趕不上變化的 So mean, so mean 變化多端也罷 The weather, oh-oh, the weather 一年四季是必須的呀 Waiting for the sun but it's not getting better 太陽總是會出現的下雨就下雨吧 So mean, so mean 管它的呢~