- 萬花筒Artascope 4 City 歌詞
- 莊鶴市 萬花筒Artascope
- Mix:Chockey/Allen
Hook: We run 4 city is time for show We do the best do the best 去到整個宇宙 We run 4 city is time for show We do it big do it right everywhere we go We run 4 city is time for show We do the best do the best 去到整個宇宙 We run 4 city is time for show 不管去到哪裡ya we keep it go on
Allen: 轉眼看看時間只剩1天 想想過了今天要出門在外住7天 海報上ano chockey hochi 我在中間 貼在城市滿大街小巷 他們都有聽說 專輯還在路上 派紅包你都聽過 所以4人決定到四個城市開始奔波 一路上吃遍4個城市小吃各大火鍋 CDC的辣 加了加了辣 平時跟著女友吃辣所以不會怕 隔壁ho7冒著汗拿著面巾紙 著火的雙眼告訴他筷子別停下 凌晨四點的長沙燈光依然閃爍 緩慢的節奏被我抓住讓我徹底滲透 約will.D聚在燈紅酒綠是多麼有趣 下一站去哪裡不想理因為我不願離去
Hook: We run 4 city is time for show We do the best do the best 去到整個宇宙 We run 4 city is time for show We do it big do it right everywhere we go We run 4 city is time for show We do the best do the best 去到整個宇宙 We run 4 city is time for show 不管去到哪裡ya we keep it go on
鶴市: 又是通宵蹦迪趕飛機 好多美女的杭州是下一個目的地 約見我們的老哥sunny sio的為人超peace shot out to mylike sugar both my homies yeah下台還要拍照拍個不停 ano差不多就行接著廈門看看風景 沿海空氣多麼熟悉hey Ranzy帶著一幫沿海兄弟 一路走走停停看看 啊總啊浪總是背著最沉重的行囊 丟掉往日的壓力和無盡煩 來品嚐最正宗來自潮汕的牛yo玩 就這樣跑了一圈歷時9天4000多公里 感恩這一路有你來自0754 最屌的團體allen chockey ano ho7 we run 4 city for my city
Hook: We run 4 city is time for show We do the best do the best 去到整個宇宙 We run 4 city is time for show We do it big do it right everywhere we go We run 4 city is time for show We do the best do the best 去到整個宇宙 We run 4 city is time for show 不管去到哪裡ya we keep it go on
We run 4 city is time for show<比如>we run 4 city lets go<比如>we run 4 city lets go<比如>we run 4 city is time for show<比如>