- Coldplay Up&Up (Radio Edit) 歌詞
- Coldplay
- Fixing up a car to drive in it again
偶爾拋錨整理好也要繼續前行 Searching for the water hoping for the rain 偶爾乾燥的心也會渴望一場雨 Up and up up and up 別失望別傷心一切都會過去 Down upon the canvas working meal to meal 也曾起起落落曾為工作忘食廢寢 Waiting for a chance to pick your orange field 等待機遇降臨好給你大展拳腳的時機 Up and up up and up 別灰心別喪氣那一天總會降臨 See a pearl form a diamond in the rough 未經打磨的亂石裡也會看見發光的驚喜 See a bird soaring high above the flood 洪水侵襲的絕望遍地裡也能看到鳥兒再次振翅飛起 It's in your blood it's in your blood 你知道有種東西與生俱來就看你能不能發現並讓它成就你 Underneath the storm an umbrella is saying 暴風雨之下手中的傘彷彿在對我竊竊私語 Sitting with the poison takes away the pain 它告訴我只有直面風雨才能不被打倒才能綻放自己 Up and up up and up it's saying 而當我鼓起勇氣直面風雨就彷佛聽到一個聲音在說 We're going to get it get it together right now 我們會挺過去會一起收穫成功的喜悅甜蜜 Going to get it get it together somehow 一切總會好轉陽光總會降臨 Going to get it get it together and flower 總會越過困難荊棘迎來花開遍地 Oh oh oh oh oh oh 噢噢噢噢噢噢 We're going to get it get it together I know 我知道我們一定會挺過去會有一天迎來夢想的芳香撲鼻 Going to get it get it together and flow 一切總會好轉嚴冬會過去流水會散播春意 Going to get it get it together and go 春意會溫暖凍傷的心然後我們也要繼續前行 Up and up and up 別失望別灰心保持向上的動力 Lying in the gutter aiming for the moon 偶爾身陷低谷也別忘了你想到達的彼岸和最初 Trying to empty out the ocean with a spoon 心若堅定磐石也能為之動搖汪洋也總有一天會乾涸 Up and up up and up 別灰心別放棄堅定自己不忘最初 See the forest there in every seed 一粒粒樹種最後總能集成茂林 Angels in the marble waiting to be freed 長困於石中的天使最後總能被發現被拯救 Just need love just need love 只需要愛和耐心就足夠 When the going is rough saying 當逐夢路上舉步維艱請記得 We're going to get it get it together right now 我們能會過去會一起收穫成功的喜悅甜蜜 Going to get it get it together somehow 一切總會好轉陽光總會降臨 Going to get it get it together and flower 總會越過困難荊棘迎來花開遍地 Oh oh oh oh oh oh 噢噢噢噢噢噢 We're going to get it get it together I know 我知道我們一定會挺過去會有一天迎來夢想的芳香撲鼻 Going to get it get it together and flow 一切總會好轉嚴冬會過去流水會散播春意 Going to get it get it together and go 春意會溫暖凍傷的心然後我們也要繼續前行 And you can say what is or fight for it 你若能將前路認清那就為它努力 Close your mind or take a risk 別瞻前顧後猶猶豫豫就大膽鼓起勇氣 You can say it's mine and clench your fist 你也要能為你心中所愛勇敢一次奮力站起 Or see each sunrise as a gift 記得將每天的日出都當做生命的贈予 We're going to get it get it together right now 請相信我們會挺過去會一起收穫成功的喜悅甜蜜 Going to get it get it together somehow 一切總會好轉陽光總會降臨 Going to get it get it together and flower 總會越過困難荊棘迎來花開遍地 Oh oh oh oh oh oh 噢噢噢噢噢噢 We 're going to get it get it together I know 我知道我們一定會挺過去會有一天迎來夢想的芳香撲鼻 Going to get it get it together and flow 一切總會好轉嚴冬會過去流水會散播春意 Going to get it get it together and go 春意會溫暖凍傷的心然後我們也要繼續前行 Up and up and up 別失望別灰心保持向上的動力 We're going to get it get it together right now 請相信我們會挺過去會一起收穫成功的喜悅甜蜜 Going to get it get it together somehow 一切總會好轉陽光總會降臨 Going to get it get it together and flower 總會越過困難荊棘迎來花開遍地 Oh oh oh oh oh oh 噢噢噢噢噢噢 We're going to get it get it together I know 我知道我們一定會挺過去會有一天迎來夢想的芳香撲鼻 Going to get it get it together and flow 一切總會好轉嚴冬會過去流水會散播春意 Going to get it get it together and go 春意會溫暖凍傷的心然後我們也要繼續前行 Up and up and up 別失望別灰心保持向上的動力 Fixing up a car to drive in it again 偶爾拋錨整理好也要繼續前行 When you're in pain 當你受傷當你心痛難息 When you think you've had enough 當你覺得受夠一切覺得老天不公平 Don't ever give up 也一定一定不要放棄