- Lone Ninja Inner Demons 歌詞
- Lone Ninja
- He was just a normal man, that something got into
他曾只是一個平平無奇的人,但有什麼東西侵入了他 He became demon possessed 他被惡魔附體了 惡習與美德,難以歪曲 Vices and virtues, hard to juggle 生命是個輪迴,一段黑暗的掙扎 Life is a circle, a dark struggle 嚴苛的叢林中,強者生存 Harsh jungle, the strong will survive 我破解著折磨意志的謎題 I solve puzzles that torture the mind 陷入困境,在陷沒的流沙中下沉 Caught in a bind, sinking in quick sand on the decline 我想我能承受,想要應對壓力與焦慮 I think I can withstand, trying to cope with the stress and anxiety 我已失去希望,我是社會的威脅 Ive lost hope, Im a threat to society 吾乃行屍 Im a zombie 吾好夢中殺人 Im a sleepwalker 如同神風,伴隨不祥之兆 Kamikaze, got a mean aura 若我沒錯,生命將非常恐怖 Life is very spooky if I am not wrong 如同沒有爆米花的恐怖電影 Its like a scary movie without the popcorn 此時可能是決定追逐之後 This minute probably after decide to give chase 我逃開了惡魔附體,想要獲得勝利 I flee the body snatchers and tried to win race 被折磨,感覺天旋地轉,想要嘔吐 Torment, my head will spin and Ill vomit 被櫃中枯骨嚇得瑟瑟發抖 Haunted by skeletons in the closet 這些戰士們,守衛們,哨兵們
我知道我的勝算微乎其微 The soldiers, the guards, the sentries 我更冷酷,更黑暗,更空虛 I know that the odds are against me 結束了,恐懼將會終結我 Im colder, Im darker, Im empty 這些戰士們,守衛們,哨兵們 Its over, the horror will end me 我知道我的勝算微乎其微 The soldiers, the guards, the sentries 我更冷酷,更黑暗,更空虛 I know that the odds are against me 結束了,恐懼將會終結我 Im colder, Im darker, Im empty 你需要精神武器來打這場戰爭 Its over, the horror will end me 你要用精神對抗精神 [Vocal sample] 這就是精神之間的搏殺 You need spiritual weapons to fight this war 討厭那些偽君子,狺狺狂吠,厚顏無恥 You fight spirit with spirit 裝作無辜,卻首先應該挨罵 It is a spiritual warfare 他們大聲宣揚,但他們罪無可恕
我從鏽蝕的玻璃窗後向外瞥去 Hate hypocrites, lot of nerve, dont have shame 此時的痛苦,也彷彿沒有幫助 Play innocent and the first to cast blame 我也慢慢陷入自卑 They preach loud but they have sinned though 我的情緒波動著,曾有的光明的日子 I peek out the stained glass window 我曾長出翅膀,敢於遠走高飛 In pain now, theres no help it seems 一團火從我心底熊熊燃燒 I came down with low self esteem 有衝動和憤怒,但那是黑暗中的悲傷 My mood swings, there were brighter days 悲傷和不安,淒涼,我深陷抑鬱 I grew wings, dared to fly away 順從地聽我的教誨 A fire blazed from the bottom of my heart 我需要祝福,他們在步步緊逼 Have drive and rage but its sorrow in the dark 惡魔在悄悄潛入,我的靈魂已被附體 Grief and tension, bleak, Im in deep depression 被抑制的精神,我彷佛得了流感 Meek as I heed the lesson 看似無所畏懼,可我實則不堪一擊 I need the blessings, theyre posing a threat 在猶疑的海洋中,我就在鯊魚鰭的邊上 The demons crept in, my soul is possessed 流淚撅嘴,透過黑暗的鏡頭看人生 Dampened spirits, Im ill with cold and flu 我在冬夜裡兩股戰戰 A champ whos fearless, but still Im vulnerable 我在面對我內心中的魔鬼 In sea of doubt, Ive sided the shark fins 這些戰士們,守衛們,哨兵們 Weep and pout, view life through a dark lens 我知道我的勝算微乎其微 I shake on a winter evening 我更冷酷,更黑暗,更空虛 Im facing my inner demons 結束了,恐懼將會終結我
這些戰士們,守衛們,哨兵們 The soldiers, the guards, the sentries 我知道我的勝算微乎其微 I know that the odds are against me 我更冷酷,更黑暗,更空虛 Im colder, Im darker, Im empty 結束了,恐懼將會終結我 Its over, the horror will end me 一旦一個惡魔趁虛而入,他也就會帶他的朋友進來,一旦他們抓住了你,控制了你,你就不再是你自己了 The soldiers, the guards, the sentries 然後你毀了自己,也毀了別人,你卻束手無策,你對此無能為力 I know that the odds are against me 你就成為撒旦的俘虜 Im colder, Im darker, Im empty Its over, the horror will end me
Once the one demon gets in he brings his friends in as well, and once they grab ahold of you, they take control of you, then youre not yourself anymore Then you destroy yourself, and you destroy other people, and you are in bondage , you cannot do anything about it You become a captive of satan