- Ralph McTell Factory Girl 歌詞
- Ralph McTell
- Factory Girl
工廠姑娘 詞曲Ralph McTell
在喇叭喧囂之中她快速跑過小橋 Hurrying across the bridge before the siren calls. 她的影子,之於晨光而照在工廠的外牆上 This morning she's chasing her shadow, along the factory wall. 在那扇大門之中,她排隊靜待 And through the gate, where she will wait in line. 便經過那小院,打卡報到 To cross the yard, to clock her card in time. 在她的圍巾之中是那微捲的頭髮 And under her scarf, her hair set in curls, 工廠姑娘的一天就這麼開始 The day begins for the factory girl.
不一會兒,她想去交談,語聲卻在喧鬧中消隱 For a while the girls try to talk, but their voices soon drown in the din. 一刻不停注視著雙手的律動,好似每天音符的進行 Their eyes watch their hands do the work, and a new day's rhythm begins. 一切往復,今日,和昨日又如此相似 No change today, like yesterday, the same 三餐過去,下午降臨,又是停工 But dinner soon, then afternoon, then home. 接著在暗淡的燈火之路下回到家中 Then hurrying home in the fading light, 但我們的工廠姑娘想在夜裡出門 The factory girl is going out tonight. 她母親囑咐:“可別太晚,明早8點又要起床” Her momma says 'Don't be late, you've got to get up again before eight'. 是的”她哭泣地說,而眼中卻滿懷喜悅 'Yes', she cries, but there's joy in her eyes, “ 便穿過了門前的小路 As she runs down the path through the gate.
夜裡的雨下個不停,但她期待著夜晚的愉快 And out on the rainy streets hoping that the night will last. 可沙灘上並沒有竊竊私語的歡笑 No whispering palms on the beach, 只有那沙沙作響的車輪來回駛過 Just the swish of the cars going past. 她便覺得此時無人如她這般感傷 And she believes no one could feel the same, 雨滴悄無聲息地觸摸著她的肩膀 Touching and whispering in the rain. 讓她那美麗的微捲的發垂落下來 And the rain takes away her beautiful curls. 工廠姑娘的夜晚就如此流逝 The night is soon gone for thefactory girl.
在喇叭喧囂之中她快速跑過小橋 And hurrying across the bridge before the siren calls. 工廠的外牆前,是她輕跳過小水窪的步伐 This morning she's skipping the puddles, all along the factory wall. 八哥揮動著翅膀朝她歌唱,姑娘露出微笑 A starling sings, he shakes his wings, she smiles. 在那工廠的大門,她猶豫了,一小會兒 Then at the gate, she hesitates, for a while. 在那大門中,工廠的喇叭鳴響之時 Then from inside the gates, the sirens roar. 我們看到工廠姑娘經過了那小院子的空地 And across the yard runs the factory girl.