- WazY 世界末日Remix 歌詞
- WazY
- Worlds torn apart aint nobody know.
世界在無人知曉中分崩離析 My walls are crumbling down. 我選擇放手 Now Im letting go. 讓一切落為塵埃 Im stripped naked to the core alone. 我在寒冷裡 Left in the cold. 被縛與高塔之上 My worlds torn apart aint nobody know. 世界在無人知曉中分崩離析 My walls are crumbling down. 我選擇放手 Now Im letting go. 讓一切落為塵埃 Im stripped naked to the core alone. 我在寒冷裡 Left in the cold. 被縛與高塔之上 Im losinmy grip and this feeling its killinme. 失落感啃噬著我 Needinthat someone to hold. 而我無法掙脫 Now that the tables have turned. 時過境遷 You winning so. 你為勝者 You went and sold your soul to the devil. 我知道為此 Now I know. 你的靈魂已交易給了惡魔 My heart is achinand Im faintinwhile you put on a show. 你將帷幕打開,我心裡除了疼痛只剩空白 Now with those lies. 無數的謊言 Im losinmy mind. 將我擊的粉碎 WazY: 他們告訴我 Since they scream to me. 你不可能成功 You will never make it. 這是死局 Game over. 把你的所有心血 All the lyrics youd scribbled. 在此時此刻 At this moment. 付之一炬吧 Tear them over. 醒醒吧 Cmon. 看看這終焉的一幕 Face the final scene. 無處可逃 No more escapin. 沒有希望 No more expectin. 沒有任何事物值得你再去相信 Theres nothinworth you believinwitmany rational reasons. 也別狡辯了 Save your bullshit. 你看不到你前路的險阻嗎? Cant you see the block in your way? 沒人知道你付出過什麼 Nobody knows what you paid for the top. 真可悲 Sad to say. 被你所熱愛的東西裹挾不前 Everythinraised from your passion trap you in the mud. 朋友,你搞砸了 Man,You ****ed up. 說真的 Word up. 放棄吧 Youd better give up. 這慢慢長路 Its a long way to go. 我知曉 I know. 一路只有寒意徹骨 The roadll be cold. 如果不想半路一頭栽倒 If dont wanna be toasted. 就別慢下來 Say no to become slow. 讓自己緊握希望 Make sure I seize my hope. 即使無法出聲 Even get choked. 像是被禁錮在煙霧中 Cough in the smog. 但你們看不出來這就是我曾說過的我的時刻? Cant yall make out its the moment Ive told you so? 我沒倒下 Im standing. 混賬們 Mother****a. 就別指望讓我就此止步 Never force me to sit again. 我無所畏懼 My lags wont be shaken. 混賬們 Mother****a. 也不曾退縮 Knees wont be bent. 我們不一樣 Were not in the same. 你們都不敢去嘗試力所能及之事 You never try something you can. 甚至放棄機會 Even never grab your chance. 去證明自己給他們看 Prove yourself to them. 去他買的 Damn. 我知道你們想把自己包裝的與眾不同 I know yall use so many fussy things to make yall dope. 什麼又在歌曲裡擊敗了自己的對手什麼的 Like feeding bullets to your foes in a stereo. 但你們現在想調頭指向我? But yall wanna fight against me? 呵 Oh. 那就一起上吧 Come with your gangs. 看看誰能一直站到最後 Lets see who will be the winner. 告訴我 Tell me. 名聲裡到底有什麼讓你們如此賣命? Whats in a name? 不管是誰帶來的這個爛攤子 Whoever made the shit beginnin. 我都要給它畫上一個句號 Gonna give this an endin. 將這麥克風化作兵器 Turn the mic into a blade. 哪怕會割傷自己 Even make myself bleedin. 在每一首歌裡 On the tape. 保持著街頭作風 Spittinlike on the street. 痛打那些無端生事的傢伙 Fustigate all the haters Ive met. 從未放棄成為最優秀的存在 Never cease to be the best. 我將要寫出一傑作 Imma making a dope verse. 只靠我的思想和言語 With my mind and words. 不理睬那些閒言碎語 Showem nothinbut the bird. 也不理睬那些無端指責 Dont give a ****bout the curse. 你我面對的 Whatcha facinwith. 我想 I suppose. 它名為命運 Its called fate. 讓我們在我們所厭惡的事物中處處算計爭名奪利 Were forced to play the trickes to get the scores in we hate. 所以保護好自己最珍貴的一切 Mind your cookies dont be filched. 把它放在別人不能觸及的地方 Putem in the inner pocket. 別犯蠢 Dont be rookies. 也別犯愣 Dont be tricked. 沒人是別人的提線木偶 Youre not moving puppet. 現在我抓住了屬於我的機會 The chance I juat grab it. 開始了我的行動 Its my movement. 無人可擋 You cant stop it. 即使生活充滿荊棘 Even lifes struggle 讓人困惑 Feel puzzled. 依然需要鬥爭下去 Still have to buck it. 世界在無人知曉中分崩離析 My worlds torn apart aint nobody know. 我選擇放手 My walls are crumbling down. 讓一切落為塵埃 Now Im letting go. 我在寒冷裡 Im stripped naked to the core alone. 被縛與高塔之上 Left in the cold. 失落感啃噬著我 Im losinmy grip and this feeling its killinme. 而我無法掙脫 Needinthat someone to hold. 時過境遷 Now that the tables have turned. 你為勝者 You winning so. 我知道為此 You went and sold your soul to the devil. 你的靈魂已交易給了惡魔 Now I know. 你將帷幕打開,我心裡除了疼痛只剩空白 My heart is achinand Im faintinwhile you put on a show. 無數的謊言 Now with those lies. 將我擊的粉碎 Im losinmy mind. 這些天我彷彿身處陰霾之中 WazY: 感覺自己偏離了自己應該前進的方向 These days I just wonder why the sky is ****ingrey. 他們曾說這孩子很厲害 Feels like Ive already lost the right way I wanna chase . 我第一個不覺得 Theyve said this kid sick. 如果真的是這樣 WazY disagree. 那為什麼我仍舊身無分文? In the case. 錯誤百出? How could I still be broke? 但得承認的是我確實已經不行了 Making mistakes? 每一字一句我所寫的 Must say todays WazY aint able to get hits. 都不能讓我自己果腹 Cuz words hes played. 這個遊戲已然耗盡 Aint able to make bread. 我所有的技巧與心力 This rap game depletes 但是在舞台上 All the skills he can takes. 還是無人知曉 But on the stage. “那人誰啊?” Still nobody knows him. 去他買的 Whos that ****ing jake? 我也不知道為什麼我總是帶著憤怒吐出字句 Damn. 自以為代表正義 I dont know why I always do raps on the mustle. 卻讓自己落到這樣的下場 Impact the weak wackoes. 明明還在學校時 Get myself involved in hustle . 我就知道 Since I was in the school 如果誰打破了規矩 Be aware of a turth. 就別讓他們把矛頭指向你 If somebody break a rule 所以我選擇不再發聲 Dont let that bitches blame on you. 就讓他們去理解他們所想理解的我的話 So I shut my face. 他們不會在意我所想要表達的 Letem twist the sentence Ive said. 我也不在乎他們把我和哪個混蛋作比較了 Cuz they dont mind if theres something in my phrase. 緊緊攥著我的筆繼續戰鬥下去 I dont care whether you compare me witany cranks. 世界在無人知曉中分崩離析 Keep fighting in my battle and my weapon is my pen. 我選擇放手 緊緊攥著我的筆繼續戰鬥下去 讓一切落為塵埃 自己看不起自己 我在寒冷裡 哪來底氣來祈求機會崛起? 被縛與高塔之上 所以明確自己現在的目的 失落感啃噬著我 當心落進了陷阱 而我無法掙脫 胸口彩虹色彩的銀杏 時過境遷 相信努力會有意義 你為勝者 堅信自己擁有的勇氣一定重新定義毅力 我知道為此 真的不懂偽裝 你的靈魂已交易給了惡魔 拋棄了善良人會變成怎樣? 你將帷幕打開,我心裡除了疼痛只剩空白 我想我無法解釋什麼 無數的謊言 即將被現實投入戰場 將我擊的粉碎 繼續書寫下段字句 不甘心於平凡地死去 告訴自己還得繼續 無所畏懼的精神延續 若我活著 那麼整個世界將是我的 “你們說喜歡的說唱歌手拍手” 這擔子變成了我的 現實實現曾經想法 這裡自己能否圓夢? 廊橋跨過不同的我 還在不停地在往前衝 感謝鐘樓目睹自己一步一步不再懵懂 雙腳離地 浮空 抓住機會 孤注一擲行動 聽 分針秒針前進 但我反方向地行進 前方不可能變得平坦 磕磕絆絆地繼續前行 My worlds torn apart aint nobody know. My walls are crumbling down. Now Im letting go. Im stripped naked to the core alone. Left in the cold. Im losinmy grip and this feeling its killinme. Needinthat someone to hold. Now that the tables have turned. You winning so. You went and sold your soul to the devil. Now I know. My heart is achinand Im faintinwhile you put on a show. Now with those lies. Im losinmy mind.
後期製作: DOVIC 母帶: DOVIC 監製: WazY 出品: 耍家幫音樂工作室 (未經許可,不得翻唱翻錄或使用)