- Worldwide Choppers (feat. Ceza, JL B.Hood, Uso, Yelawolf, Twista, Busta Rhymes, D-Loc and Twisted In 歌詞 Tech N9ne
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- Tech N9ne Worldwide Choppers (feat. Ceza, JL B.Hood, Uso, Yelawolf, Twista, Busta Rhymes, D-Loc and Twisted In 歌詞
- Tech N9ne
- [offset:0]
兄弟振作起來拿起你手中的麥克風 Tech N9ne - Worldwide Choppers (Feat. Yelawolf, Twista, Busta Rhymes, D-Loc, Twisted Insane) 這裡是Jack 快把麥連上錄音機
筆和紙已經擺在這兒了我們靈感無限 Sen kalk, bir minik mikrofonunu getir (Get up, get your microphone) 我們是威風凜凜的殺伐者敵人在我們的聲音中灰飛煙滅 Bak jak burada mikrofonuna tak (Look, here is the jack, connect your mic) 一起嗨起來我們將獲得勝利 Kağıt kalem bir de ilham alınacak ( And here is the paper and the pen, we're gonna get inspired) 我們從美國中西部而來 Tam gaz choppers, havada düşman avına çıkalım (No stop Choppers are in the air, Let's hunt enemies) 現在我們再度拾起手中的屠刀召集了全世界的屠夫 Akalım, haydi bu battle'ı kazanalım (Let's go, let's win this battle) 召集了全世界的屠夫
我們立於世界之巔 (We started in the Midwest) 九爺要登場了準備好了麼 (Now we bout to take it) 跟我一起走遍全世界我上張專輯《Sickology》正在不斷巡演 (All over the world, baby!) 他們永遠不能成功我們不留情面將他們一一擊垮 (This is the pinnacle! ) 他們處於恐慌之中被我精準擊殺其他的歌迷也漸漸瘋狂起來 (Yeah, Tech N9ne!) 我要變得更瘋狂我還是個異類專給主流添堵
小時候有家飯店供我食物而如今我主動出擊吞噬這一首首歌曲 Follow me, all around the planet, I run the gamut on psychology 我能代表江湖正派一一把你們點艹因為Waka Flocka可是我的好兄弟 They could never manage, we do damage wit no apology 看我登上黑炮之巔再看我點燃全場氣氛 Pick em out the panic, a little manic cause I gotta be 順帶使著查克拉讓其他歌手們通通滾蛋(遍布全世界的殺伐者) Frantic, Ima jam it cause Im an oddity 無論你是誰你都能看見我依舊坐在王位 Down for the trackin like Im grabbin at my binoculars 不可無一不可有二 I could pop at you, papa, cause Im partners wit Waka Flocka 我子彈滿膛冷酷無情我下筆有神一旦發表其他歌手立即引用 Gimme the top of hip-hop and watch im make em rock 看著我的flow突突突如汽缸裡的汽油不斷爆炸 With a show -stopper, chakras poppin off the (Worldwide Choppers) 'A-bi-de-a bi-de-a' 我從不作假 If you anybody, you notice it 我不斷超越自我一身功夫也快有人繼承 Tech is the pinnacle, now the ideal nickel solos it 隨便給我個beat 我就能大殺四方今天寫完詞明天就錄好 Little coders to pull again, wrote it quick and they quoted it 但這些歌永遠不會脫離我的掌控好比包子裡的肉餡 Yo, when it exposed, the flow be hold it, cause when that motor spit 把他們一拳打飛再把他們一把拽下我還沒打夠這幫小子欠揍 A-bi-de-a, bi-de-a, never to get free of the rear 當我掌握節奏我亦樂在其中若是再來一曲我會使出十字斬 Better to get just near the mirror, ready to get near my heirs 醉酒嘔吐?不那是我在傾洩歌詞 Gimme the knock and Ima chop it, he came and it went tomorrow 我天天過載發揮一百二十分的水準 But Ima lock it down and hop in the pocket like empanadas 全球巡演完全累不倒我
如果你還不是我的粉絲那這星球一定被洗腦過 Hit em up and get em up, I aint done, I aint did enough 我很不高興我要教這世界天崩地裂教所有人都被抽插 Trippin when I rip it, I be the X when I split em up 我一騎絕塵他們只好吃土當我出現時所有硬茬子全部痿掉 Sorta like I was liquored up and backin up in the cup 九爺敵意滿滿敵人聞風喪膽 Everybody be knowin I be actin up when I buzz 一旦喝醉他會化身魔王 From Missouri to Canada, I be keepin the stamina 你若去追他去深入了解他他決不教你失望 If you never been a fan of the man, the planets unanimous 他寫的出愛倫坡的筆法也畫的出畢加索的抽象 Killa Kazll fuck anybody, Tech is calamitous 他的座右銘簡單明了:屠盡一切 Leave em in the dust, anybody, Techwhen Im standin up 我嘴速驚人原因無它:舔B
你說我可憐腦袋都要被吞進去了 Tech is hostile, hes awful 那好我割下你肉流盡你血最後開上你的靈車瘋狂飆車不斷飄移 He really be wicked when he off in the bottle 我一路飛馳 You wit it, you dig it, you never lost the apostle 甩得同行看不見影 Hes thinkin he can give it the Poe and toss it Picasso 如果你想惹事我不介意陪你玩玩 Killin everybody off is the motto 你捉弄不了我 And I be the only chopper thats tossed in the brothel 不要再來嘗試 You said its pathetic, my head is off in the taco 遠遠跪下吧我已是國王 I sped and you bled and you in the convo when I go 聽著我遠遠領先於他們說唱老將們帶我一道砍得他們人仰馬翻
未來說唱的傳奇一定是我這毋庸置疑 Im light years 你以後只能對我仰望這崛起與你們沒有任何關係 Ahead of my peers 你們弱小不堪但我就喜歡看著你們這樣 Want some, you can come bring it right here 當我們發布了新歌他們全部湊過來洗耳恭聽 Cant clown me 來吧來吧我正喚醒這節奏 Dont come round me 我吐字成金你們一定得知道 Bow down, I was crowned when they found me 就看我與一幫最野的傢伙一道瘋狂
一道燃起這節奏 ]Check it, Im ahead of em, chop it up with the veteran 因為他們都心甘情願叫我”最野性的殺伐者” A legend developin, they gotta tell im its evident 若我騎著彈簧高蹺跳到你身上會發生什麼事呢 Gotta notice an elephant, none of you niggas relevant 就像耶和華見證人一樣敲開你家的門 You delicate, Im lovin every second of this 拿著耶穌的聖像和佈道的小冊
與此同時我正如哈姆雷特所說大肆造著教堂 De vil alle tjekke når vi ligger det ( They will all check it when we lay it) 音節不斷摩擦這歌內勁十足 Kommer ind og smækker det beatet jeg vækker det (coming in and smashing it beatet im waking it) 隨便拽來個小子把他搖暈再接連猛擊然後突然我就躺在了吊床上 I ved hvad der kommer ud af min mund (you know whats comming out of my mouth ) 在橡樹下你以為我在剝著山核桃 Hanger med de vildeste gutter (hanging with the coolest guys) 相反我正玩弄著其他歌手的頭顱集齊三個做了”三明治” Det minder mig om vi stikker det af (it reminds me we stapping it (set on fire)) 抄起一把狩獵步槍裝上子彈 For de kalder mig alle vild worldwide chopper (cause they all call me wild worldwide chopper) 瞧瞧就這來自西部的老槍
把敵人打爆讓他們嚇尿我手上全是銬他們的手銬 What if I ran into you wit a Pogo stick? 就如傷口撒鹽一次次的成功讓我更加刺激 Hopped up on top of you rappers like a Jehovahs Witness? 但我轉過來就抄起節奏全世界無死角開展屠殺 Wit a photo of Jesus and a paper pamphlet 想和九爺一道?你語速夠么? And I threw up more tracks like I was playin Hamlet? Busta Rhymes給我發來邀請函好呀好呀為什麼不去呢? Syllable burnin, that internal damage 我一向牛X 不需要過多展示 Swing, batter, batter, but then I lay back on a hammock 但我穿著你的襪子飛奔過體育館 Under an oak tree, like I was peelin pecans 拿著鉛筆戴著手錶還穿著軍用上衣 But instead, Im peelin rappers heads, makin a sam-a-wich 然後就在你看明白時間之前就寫下一段疾速的歌詞 Think Ima turn into and put a bullet inside of a 我已經進入瘋魔狀態了 Motherfucker from Westside, a 1987 box 開始錄音秒殺節奏再來一首 Im headed up, yeah, headed for bucks 現在我是輛卡車又運了一車貨 Fuck em all, make em feel my dread like I had a head of locks 然後用我那天外來客般的才華不斷地往你們喉嚨中一噸噸地傾斜辣椒 Feelin rebuffed, like you had that shot 我一路飛馳 But I hopped on the fuckin beat and I worldwide chopped 甩得同行看不見影 Wanna I fuck wit Tech N9ne, well, then fine 如果你想惹事我不介意陪你玩玩 I smoke a beat wit Mr. Busta Rhymes, well, sure, why not? 你捉弄不了我 Really dont need to show any more of my cock 不要再來嘗試 But I run across the stadium in a pair of your socks 遠遠跪下吧我已是國王 In a trenchcoat wit the pencil and a watch Twista! Then drop a verse before you can focus to beat the clocks 就像我打算專注旋律 Slumerican is out of control 或是少講髒話但實在忍不住就一拳打得他們眼角開裂散光不治 Heat it up, beat it up, then I gotta go 再張開復仇之嘴對他們機關槍掃射 But Im a dump truck, just send another load 隨後叫來食人族把這幫敵人吃個乾淨 Peter Piper dump a pile of peppers in your throats wit an alien probe 現在他們已成碎片下場及其淒慘
他們想時間回溯但我太過萬能直接空間攔截 Im light years 你們緊張得失永遠無法和我比我可是陸軍上校 Ahead of my peers 我是不朽的火焰之神看你不爽順手把你秒掉 Want some, you can come bring it right here 集中精力像女巫一樣玩著把戲 Cant clown me 當我撕扯並把敵人制住之後你們會更加敬重我 Dont come round me 因為我是超脫常理的異才隨手就能把你的大腦切掉 Bow down, I was crowned when they found me 若你想挑戰我的權威
當我撒下火海我不會將其熄滅看你在火上慢慢煎熬 Twista! (Chicago) 我於殺伐者之中也是名列前茅名聲響徹大江南北
這歌一發布就統治一方 Like I gotta focus up in my rhythm 我們是遍布世界的殺伐者跟不上的就省省呆在家裡吧 Or loosen the venom and hit em and give em astig-a-ma-tism 我超凡的知識讓其他鄉巴佬自慚形穢 And then Ima spit em somethin so full of vengeance 他們的歌唱的都是遠古時期的詞 That everybodyll wanna devour the pieces of my enemies cause of cannibalism 所以還是放我的歌看我大放光芒 Breakin em off into particles, they get in a predicament 看我不斷核聚變看我不斷放出射線 That be never reversible cause a nigga be too versatile 我的靈感只會螺旋起飛 Makin you nervous, you could never compete with the colonel 你全家挖地三尺卻找不到你馬子的屍體 I burn you, Im an immortal, and thats the reason I murder you 如果你被我逮住在搞最複雜的歌詞 Focus on my hocus pocus and make a likkle magic 醒醒吧你還是不能阻止我因為我們是遍布世界的殺伐者 After I wreck and check ya, then ya best pick a better habit 對吧 Cause Im an anomaly, able to give a lobotomy 我一路飛馳 To any motherfucker challengin my astronomy 甩得同行看不見影 Hoppin out, I dont stop when the flame stone 如果你想惹事我不介意陪你玩玩 Now one of the most popular choppers and my names known 你捉弄不了我 Throwin it up in the air , takin it there 不要再來嘗試 We W-W-C, if you cant keep up, shoulda stayed home 遠遠跪下吧我已是國王 My-my-my alien knowledge be makin other astronomers 瞧瞧兄弟現在他們緊張地問我什麼時候能停下 Welcome to Los Angeles, a discovery of palentology 什麼時候我才會讓這歌火起來什麼時候我才會發布這首歌兄弟 So play me and Ima be shinin on them haters 其實我命中註定成為那最不可理喻的傢伙 Im finna be usin it as energy, watch how radiant Ima be 來和其他歌手一起為這首歌添點猛料我的兄弟 Like a helicopter when the words fly 然後他們就問我在這世上你還能做什麼 Entire families all the way out to you girl die 如果你已經強得不行然後再問現在他在幹啥 If I catch you fuckin with the most intricate lyricists 好吧其實我在連切帶砍撕毀一切節奏統領整個圈子帶著聽眾嗨翻 Or even try to stop us cause we choppers and we worldwide 在我趨近完美之前把所有東西都乾翻 And Im 全部打飛像生氣的牙買加人
再讓所有人都閉嘴特別是我的那幫仇人 Im light years 他們被我一整就蠢得不行 Ahead of my peers 你聽到他們講的話了麼不不不不要做做做這件事 Want some, you can come bring it right here 請請請請問為為為為什麼你要對我們這這樣做 Cant clown me 我我我我早就知道你是最強的rapper了 Dont come round me 然而現在我大駕光臨揮舞屠刀抓起身體重拳猛擊再補上一刀 Bow down, I was crowned when they found me 隨後再一拳爆頭最後一擊接著我會
節省力氣把他們再次屠殺不斷重複我就是這樣 See how they ask when Ima stomp on my dude 就像是彩排一樣他們一定能理解我 And when Ima cock it and pop it, and what Ima drop on my dude 吐出歌詞氧化發熱看我怎麼大殺四方 Inevitably, instead Ima be the most incredible dude 拉低他們的智商讓他們恨我像殺父仇人一般 To ever spit on the record and put it together, my dude 希望你能好好聽著不要走神 And then they ask “What in the world is you provin? 你正見證著我在麥克風上給眾人洗禮 What, when you already the best? And what the hell is he doin?” 來到我的領域他們全都在享受我的音樂 Well, Ima be choppin and cuttin and breakin and beatin and shakin 人前人後台前台後全在享受 And fuckin everything up til there aint no further mistakin 他們曾弄得我像個白痴因為我是個黑人 And bustin everything up like a fuckin angry Jamaican 不過現在這裡是我的領地! And shuttin everything up, specially the ones who be hatin 我一路飛馳 They lovin everything until I got em stutterin stupid 甩得同行看不見影 You hear em now? “ D-d-d-d-dont do-do-do-do it! 如果你想惹事我不介意陪你玩玩 P-P-P-Please? Wh-wh-wh-why you gotta t-try us? 你捉弄不了我 W-w-w-w-we already know that you be the nicest!” 不要再來嘗試 And now I'ma come and kill em, get em, hit em, and finish em 遠遠跪下吧我已是國王 And bang em in the head and diminish em, and then Ill 我火力迅猛讓其他戰士通通早早退休 Hit em again at a minimum, repeat comin to kill em 我砍碎他們在街區他們都叫我麥克爾·麥爾斯(殺人魔) Then he be gotta be drillin em, thinkin “They gotta be feelin im!” 我無視法律用節奏把他們一一爆頭 Spittin lithium, see the way a nigga be spillin em? 我這組合狀態滿分無論身處何處都能屠盡一切 And gettin em stupid to the point where theres no forgivin im? 看著那些仇家都在困境之中我冷笑著成了他們的造物主 Hopin youre listenin and youre payin attention 他們終於明白他們永遠沒法追上我因為每次看我他們只能望其項背 And youre witnessin the way that I be crushin on the mic 我身為歌詞殺手的經歷比毒藥還狠毒 And gettin in the zone, I be flattenin and packin in 看看我的介紹上面簡直如聖經一樣震撼 People from the front to the back and 他們一個個全部倒下我把他們送進天國你能懂吧 They got me actin a fool, Im blackin, nigga 深入你的頭顱挖出你的大腦所以你們都想把我殺掉 Now Im home! 讓他們通通暴怒但都無可奈何當我飚起語速你就能看見真正的我
當我和別人一起弄出這歌時我感覺很棒而你永遠都撼動不了我的地位 Im light years 我現在騎在你頭上勢力遍布世界 Ahead of my peers 我天天寫歌用如子彈般的快嘴貫穿他們的大腦 Want some, you can come bring it right here 當你呼吸緊張望異教徒的眼睛裡望去 Cant clown me 當你只盼能找到一隻魔鬼之時你就能看到我我就是遍布世界的殺伐者 Dont come round me Bow down, I was crowned when they found me
...make (something) retire instantly Im choppin, dont call me Michael Myers inmy vicinity The way I be killin em with rhythm, it get illegitimate The Yela will finish and end any predicament And the enemies in the vicinity, I gotta mack up They know they can never get wit me whenever they mention me The hands of a lyrical criminal, more deadly than chemicals Check my resume, they say that your boys biblical
..I dead em, I set em, and you can feel me Diggin up in your brain and bringin the pain, and yall fin wanna kill me Fillin em with that fury, get up and hurry, you can feel the Remy Comin in wit that shit, Im havin a fit, and you will never peel me I feel you when Im on top of you, look at the W You been poppin off, Ima hit em up wit a bullet to the (Brain! ) You can look into the eyes of a heathen, breathin, youre fiendin And dreamin to find a demon, Im insane, Im a worldwide (Chopper)
Tech N9ne - Worldwide Choppers (Feat . Yelawolf, Twista, Busta Rhymes, D-Loc, Twisted Insane)