- Once Bitten, Twice Shy 歌詞 Great White
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- Great White Once Bitten, Twice Shy 歌詞
- Great White
- Well the times are getting hard for you little girl
對你這個小姑娘來講,這年頭確實越發艱難 Im a hummin and a strummin all over Gods world 我在上帝的世界裡到處吹拉彈唱 You cant remember when you got your last meal 你壓根兒都記不得上頓飯啥時候吃的 And you dont know just how a woman feels 你也根本不懂女人的心思 You didnt know what rock and roll was 你不知道搖滾樂是什麼玩意兒 Until you met my drummer on a grey tour bus 直到你在一輛臟兮兮的旅遊巴士上遇到了我的鼓手 I got there in the nick of time 我以迅雷不及掩耳之勢 Before he got his hands across your state line, yeah 搶在他得手之前到了那兒,是呀
大半夜的,我們在馬路上 Now its the middle of the night on the open road 暖氣壞了,真是冷得要命 The heater dont work and its oh so cold 你看上去精疲力竭 Youre lookin tired, youre lookin kinda beat 大街上的口水歌肯定是讓你累趴了 The rhythm of the street sure knocks you off your feet 你對搖滾樂簡直一無所知 You didnt know how rock and roll looked 直到在回家路上的一個停車場裡 Until you caught your sister with the guys from the group 你遇上你妹妹跟隊裡的男人們在一塊 Half way home in the parking lot 從她的眼神看來,她挺心滿意足呢 By the look in her eye she was given what she got 哎哎哎,我一招被蛇咬,十年怕井繩吶,寶貝 My my my Im once bitten twice shy baby 哎哎哎,我一招被蛇咬,十年怕井繩吶,寶貝 My my my Im once bitten twice shy 哎哎哎,我一招被蛇咬,十年怕井繩吶,寶貝 My my my Im once bitten twice shy baby 女人吶,你簡直沒救了,估計會死在夢裡吧
血都灑到我的功放和萊斯·保羅節拍器上了 Woman youre a mess, gonna die in your sleep 你在家呆不住,到處拈花惹草 Theres blood on my amp and my Les Pauls beat 我的好朋友跟我說,你可是鎮上的一枝花 Cant keep you home, youre messin around 你不曉得搖滾樂超燃的 My best friend told me you were the best lick in town 所以你買了蠟燭回來點著,活到老學到老吧 You didnt know that rock and roll burned 你跟上了節拍,跟上了速度 So you bought a candle and you lived and you learned 媽媽的小寶貝就喜歡簡潔明快的小清新 You got the rhythm you got the speed 哎哎哎,我一招被蛇咬,十年怕井繩吶,寶貝 Mamas little baby likes it short and sweet 哎,哎,哎,我一招被蛇咬,十年怕井繩吶,寶貝 My my my Im once bitten twice shy baby 哎,哎,哎,我一招被蛇咬,十年怕井繩吶,寶貝 My my my Im once bitten twice shy baby 我不曉得你居然還有一張搖滾唱片 My my my Im once bitten twice shy baby 直到我在另一個男人的夾克衫上看到了你的照片
你跟我說過,我是你的唯一 I didnt know you had a rock and roll record 但是看看你現在的樣子,天都黑了你還往外跑 Until I saw your picture on another guys jacket 哎哎哎,我一招被蛇咬,十年怕井繩吶,寶貝 You told me I was the only one 哎哎哎,我一招被蛇咬,十年怕井繩吶,寶貝 But look at you now its dark and youre gone 哎哎哎,我一招被蛇咬,十年怕井繩吶,寶貝 My my my Im once bitten twice shy 哎哎哎,我一招被蛇咬,十年怕井繩吶,寶貝 My my my Im once bitten twice shy My my my Im once bitten twice shy My my my Im once bitten twice shy