- YounLivinGo 高速公路 歌詞
- YounLivinGo
- Baby why you always living like that
(生亦何歡,死亦何苦) HOOK ride my car straight to the high way (騎上汽車一路向北) she know what I gonna do and test (我必將不虛此行) my car straight to the high way (轟鳴聲攜帶著思念) she know she know (他明白我的內心) Verse waiting for me跨上我的車輛準備出發 烏雲很滾燙雨點敲打在我心上 準備好和她去加州旅館度假 sun rise and down 摧毀了我的心房 she know how I take my heart 不回頭勇敢一路向北 絆腳石全部撞碎 像盛開的一朵薔薇 she know how I take my heart 準備好修理我的狼尾 說的話全都當對 尋找你所處的方位 I swear to god (我對天發誓) I aint going back I aint going back (我會遠離這個傷心之地) I swear to god (我對天發誓) I aint going back I aint going back (我會遠離這個傷心之地) one bad bitch I doing what she sayso (她想傀儡任人掌控) 藍莓飲料已經灌進我的胸口 mosey dream 讓我感覺沒有胃口 be a ROCKSTAR i wanna be drake oh (成為搖滾巨星我想變成他) last night one drop (昨夜一杯酒) I am drunking as I die (恍若夢中游) two fight thats right (交錯刀光影) who the ****ing man u bite (唇齒素風留) three day four loop (三日一輪迴) u want me raise ur child (攜子慕名來) thats it hole (眼有流雲絲) get out with ur ****ing lie (往後不相待) **** u paid 這代價真的付不起 **** u way 這一場真的輸不起 退一步 好像每次都是故意 Anyway 這次真的不服氣 bridege 行動行動行動 (she know my heart) 行動行動行動 (she know my heart) 心動心動心動 (she know my heart) Hook ride my car straight to the high way (騎上汽車一路向北) she know what I gonna do and test (我必將不虛此行) my car straight to the high way (轟鳴聲攜帶著思念) she know she know (他明白我的內心) ride my car straight to the high way (騎上汽車一路向北) she know what I gonna do (我必將不虛此行) my car straight to the high way (轟鳴聲攜帶著思念) she know what i gonna do (他明白我的內心)