- Tristam My Friend 歌詞
- Tristam
- In the wind,I hear my name
亂風中夾雜著對我的呼喚 with the ones, starting the games 和他們一起,開始遊戲 Call me now, cause I can barely breathe 喚醒我,我還存著一口氣 Oooh, I can feel you chanting lively 哦~我能感到你們吶喊雀躍 I can feel that music in me 心中的樂律已經奏響 We were born just to believe 生來便為堅信
當一切平息,我們便能相聚 And when its all over we could be together 披荊斬棘穿過心底的世界 Venture through the world inside 我能貫徹其底 I could see in deeper 我能透徹其身 I could see in clearer 我將永不懼死亡 Ill never be afraid to die again 我將伴你左右 Ill always be there for you, my friend 當我們穿越一切 And after all that weve been through 這道光能將我領向你嗎 Will this light lead me to you? 時日不多 I cant stay here one more day 對你發誓,我不怕 I swear to you, Im not afraid 穿過風鳴,穿過洪鐘 Through the wind chimes, through the bells 我會帶你逃離地獄 I would carry you through hell 亂風中夾雜著對我的呼喚
和他們一起,開始遊戲 In the wind, I hear my name 喚醒我,我還存著一口氣 with the ones, starting the games 哦~我能感到你們吶喊雀躍 Call me now, cause I can barely breathe 心中的樂律已經奏響 Ohh, I can feel you chanting lively 生來,便是為了堅信 I can feel that music in me We were born just to believe