- Bigbang Big Boy (Live) 歌詞
- Bigbang
- 編曲: 勇敢兄弟
Im a BAD Im a BAD Im a BAD Im a BAD Ya man i got some right here u Know mean Ya man i got some right here u Know mean Its going like this reppin tha yg Its going like this reppin tha yg Im a BAD big bang da big boy Im a BAD big bang da big boy 靠邊站還早得很 저리꺼져아직은일러 Im a BAD big bang da big boy Im a BAD big bang da big boy 你算什麼早得很 니가뭔데지금은싫어 uhuh wakeup wakeup uhuh wakeup wakeup 繼續搖擺別停幫Mr. Player再遞杯酒 더더흔들어여기mr player 술한모금더 閉著雙眼去感受再深入一點 눈 감고느껴더파고들어 與滑潤的你再粘稠些 보드런그대와더끈적끈적하게 不好啦現在處於戰備狀態 미안한데여긴비상사태요 請長話短說U Know Wut Im sayin? 더긴말안해u know wut i'm sayin 在這漫長的夜晚 이긴밤안에유독나한테 你一直對我看中的女孩垂涎三尺真是辛苦啦 눈에뛴그녈탐내는너수고가많네 hey comeon girl hey comeon girl 什麼都別問儘管跟我來吧你是我的Style Whoo! 아무것도더묻지말고따라와넌내style whoo Oh please trust me 我是你的奴隸 Oh please trust me 당신의노예 與我一同高歌專屬我們的「愛的歌曲」吧 함께불러요우리사랑의노래 Throw ur hands in the air Throw ur hands in the air and wavem like a just don't care and wavem like a just don't care the big bang right here top right here the big bang right here top right here somebody say oh yeah we need a club banger somebody say oh yeah we need a club banger we need a club banger we need a club banger we need a club banger we need a club banger we need a club banger We need a club banger we need a club banger We need a club banger we need a club banger we need a club banger oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeahoh yeah oh yeah oh yeah If You want mvp If You want mvp everyday with me 幫各位解開新的謎底 everyday with me 새로운해답을줄게 ye i ma keep it real ye i ma keep it real 管它什麼理由 이유는찾아서뭐해 儘管與我熾熱地空中遨翔至極樂境界 너와나뜨겁게하늘을 날아쾌락의끝 來吧All days 가보죠all days 千萬別說「怎麼辦」,成為狼群的樂子 어떡해이맘절제안되니까 時光飛逝我不斷地奔跑著 흘러가는시간늑대들사이재미난 凡人無法阻擋 난달려저끝까지도달려 天生的口才和爆發力 못말려타고난입담과순발력 已結束的Game要及時火辣享樂 다끝난game 화끈하게즐길줄알면됐소 Do it again 跟我一起你就是Main do it again 나와함께그대가main 深藏在內心的吶喊透過這旋律狂野奔放著 잠재된부름을묻는물든이음악에 Throw ur hands in the air Throw ur hands in the air and wavem like a just don't care and wavem like a just don't care the big bang right here top right here the big bang right here top right here somebody say oh yeah we need a club banger somebody say oh yeah we need a club banger we need a club banger we need a club banger we need a club banger we need a club banger we need a club banger We need a club banger we need a club banger We need a club banger we need a club banger we need a club banger oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah 準備好要與你空中遨翔 준비됐어너와함께높게 盡情翻滾 하늘을날아서우리뜨겁게 飛向極樂境界你就是always 쾌락의 끝으로가그댄always throw ur hands in the air we need a club banger throw ur hands in the air we need a club banger 準備好要與你空中遨翔 준비됐어너와 함께높게 盡情翻滾 하늘을날아서우리뜨겁게 飛向極樂境界你就是always 쾌락의끝으로가그댄always throw ur hands in the air we need a club banger throw ur hands in the air we need a club banger oh~ oh~